Dispelling The Hype Over Alien Life

No I don’t care about number of stars. That is irrelevant.

It has already happened. Therefore it can happen. Therefore it is bound to happen elsewhere.

Also personally I consider as fallacious his thinking about our uniqueness.

As for the argument of “we don’t know therefore we can’t tell anything”. I don’t know if you are man or woman, but I can predict that you are a man based on a probability.

This is deriving too much conclusion from incomplete data.
It happened, but we know of one case only. And we dont even know yet full picture how it happened.

There is probability, but prediction is flawed, as that probability still exists and nothing is known for sure, as a fact.


Whomever thinks those trillions of galaxies with gazillios of suns and innumerable planets exist just for our naked-eye enjoyment needs a catscan.


They have existed for itself, and will exist for itself, even without life.

There is no purpose to the world to exist, but for some reasons humans need a reason.

It just is. You are asking questions that have no answers, as planets, stars, etc, don’t talk…

Observing doesnt imply the reason for creation of observer.

At some point in time and space, nobody care.

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They need more than a catscan nowadays. Looking at the murderous policies they support and the immoral crap they’re trying to feed our children with I think asylums and straitjackets need to make an emergency come back stat.

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Right ( jesus! )

We dont need one, we want one, because we are thinking beings who ask questions in order to understand the world around us.
It looks like had it been up to you the first campfire would have never been started.

Can you point to the question I asked in this thread?

Read my post again.

It’s just the opposite that’s happening. People are slowly realizing that Man hasn’t been the only living being in the universe.
And I very much like this statement

because the truth of it is so simple yet so deep that it can only lead to one irrefutable conclusion: there are other beings out there and just because scientists don’t come out and say so doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Science as a whole isn’t a complete discipline, it’s an ongoing process of discovery.
To suggest that something doesn’t exist based on human reckoning and technology is almost laughable.


So it means that world desnt exist for anyones enjoyment. It just exists.

Its a question, it starts with Whom, you certainly have an answer to that one, in the post, but its not right.

The thread is about the non-existence of extraterrestrials. Not about other worlds for Man to enjoy. That is a different discussion.

It isnt truth at all. Aliens can, and cant exist. Its probable, but also improbable. Glass is half empty, and half full.

This is our knowledge.

You see beliefs as truth, but in fact, you cant know.

for Man to enjoy

And aliens. Lets not forget about them.

Maybe they dont even want to enjoy it. Maybe the concept of enjoyment is alien to them.

They would have thoughts, but that doesnt mean they would have to be emotional. Maybe they only need logic.

“there are other beings in the universe, oherwise it would be an awful waste of space” isn’t a belief. It’s evident, something that shouldn’t even have to be said but for all our technology we are deaf and blind.

A waste of space is only an opinion, not based on knowledge about universe. But deriving from it that aliens should be there also, because of that opinion, is belief. Beliefs are not grounded in facts or knowledge.

What is truth doesnt depend on beliefs or opinions, it depends on knowledge, facts.

The truth is we dont know.

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Really. So the scientists have no base for saying that the universe is so freakin’ HUGE that we can’t put a distance that would figure one end to other and the deduction that it would be an awful waste of space isn’t based on that very thing that the scientists have observed. Got it.


No human have idea about how spacious space is, was and will be, or how long it takes for it to be what you see now, when there were endless cycles before this one, or not. Nobody even needs that kind of knowledge, as its useless. You dont need the knowledge about the world before world, or if there was someone who knew it before you can know it.

Maybe there were, are, will be aliens, maybe not. Nobody knows.
If there were, what about it?

It is one mandala ofter another.

If there’s 100 billion stars in a galaxy, but if the chances of life forming around any one star are one in a trillion, then only one galaxy in 1000 will have life within it. There’s only a finite number of stars within the observable universe…however huge it may be…and you do not know if the odds against life forming around any one star is larger than that.

That is what Prof Kipping is saying, and he is irrefutably correct. We have no idea what the chances are of life around any one star. People pretend they do…but all they are doing is showing confirmation bias. Everyone wants there to be other life out there. Nobody likes the idea that we are alone. But to argue that there ‘must’ be other life out there, in the absence of any data to go by other than a sample of one, is just not science.

And, of course, if the universe is teeming with intelligent life…then I hand you over to Fermi…

Where are they all ?

It’s more about ‘we simply don’t know’…and thus people like Brian Cox and Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Elon Musk are wrong to make definitive statements on the matter. Nobody is saying there isn’t or cannot be extraterrestrial life. Professor Kipping is taking the honest ( but not so popularist ) view that we simply don’t have enough evidence to judge the matter either way. It is OK to admit that we simply don’t know.

Intelligence is overrated by those who have some. There is a lot of cognitive biases, one of the reasons intelligent people make big mistakes. If aliens suffer from cognitive biases, which would be possible with them being sort of intelligent, then they are in the same, bad spot as we are. Like stranded on a raft with a handkerchief and no hands to make a sail to get to other raft.

It’s for me, not for you.

Imo these scientiest who are dealing with extraterrestrial life serves no purpose, all their efforts are completely useless because even if they find some proof that there is life, or was life, then what?

We need scientists to create a propulsion for spaceships that will allow us to visit other stars personally. Then these questions will be answered soon.

Those are called ‘engineers’.

Even at this point its a lot easier to send our ears and eyes and other “feelers” to them without going personally. That will only become more evident with time, that probes are to be sent everywhere, without going personally. Our home is here.