Dispelling The Hype Over Alien Life

This was a very nice and interesting talk. Thanks for sharing

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He has an extremely good Youtube channel called Cool Worlds, in which he covers the search for exoplanets and his speciality which is exomoons ( moons around exoplanets ) and the general search for life out there.

How do we know no two snowflakes are never the same? We only have theory.

And while humans are late in the picture, look at the exponential knowledge gain in that short time.

The Story of Lincos, the Math-Based Language Created to Communicate With Extraterrestrials - The Atlantic

On the flip side…
Will Hitler Be the First Person That Aliens See? | RealClearScience

As far as I’m concerned, we’ve come full circle.
matrix humans are a virus youtube - Google Search

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There was somebody who did an experiment a long time ago. Apparently, this guy sorted snowflakes in a big cold room to do some kind of science. Based on his observations with a limited data set, he concluded that no two of his snowflakes were identical.

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I enjoy your cynicism as of late. You have upped your game! :rofl:

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Cynical? Me?


Ok, troll. Your yearning for attention has been noticed. But this is all you’ll get I’m afraid😆

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Great, we don’t know… And?


I don’t care about those scientists dealing with extraterrestrial life, I never mentioned them in any post so I don’t know why you bring them up now.

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You’re asking me that as if I’m the one who started the thread :sweat_smile: What about it? Well, we could start by comparing technology and come up with a trade agreement :wink::face_with_hand_over_mouth::saluting_face:


Aliens are real, just look at how massive this galaxy is and where our sun is located.

Just look at the stars and think about how far away those Aliens are from us and if it was possible to travel at the speed of light the number of years to even reach the outer edge or visit distant stars to really search for life.

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That’s what trolls do to mix everything up and turn your own words into something you didn’t say then they claim you meant it, without proof, and then debase you as per their original intentions.

@Clone_Nr007 Are they really that petty?

Some of these losers bring PvP on the forum and sometimes they’ll “gank” up on a thread or a poster they don’t like because one sentence happens to make sense and it scares them. Read the forums, it’s very entertaining.

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Seems to me they are unable to differenciate and separate the game from the forum. I mean it’s okay if role-playing but otherwise it’s sad.
I’m mainly here for the official announcements and news on the game. Also, some posts are interesting to read when I can get informed, otherwise I keep scrolling.

But to come back on topic, just like we can say “we don’t know” then we can also say “we don’t know if earth is being visited or not” which brings us back to square one, nothing dispelled nothing proved. Just nothing. So this thread is about nothing really.
I think it should then be considered a troll thread and be closed by ISD.

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It’s about dispelling all the hype over alien life. I guess the hype is what disturbs OP in that some people believe in this
While “we don’t know” (yet) would be a better position to start off with.
But adhering to that mentality negates all the reports from all those people ( police, farmers, firemen, pilots, radar operators, ranked soldiers… ) Is OP ready to call that crowd liars? Or did they all see weather balloons?


I think there may be life on other planets but I really don’t see any reason for them to come here. If they could it would mean they have more than we do in every aspects of civilization with a technology advanced enough to not bother with us. This idea that they’d come to study us or our planet is simply ascribing Human-like attributes to an alian species.
I think what all those people might have seen were government projects and other yet unexplained anomalies and phenomenon.


Nothing known nothing learned. Move along now, folks. Nothing to see here.


I don’t think we will ever be able to confirm if there is or is not, there are limits to how far a living being can travel, So if Aliens do exist Humans will never be able to confirm.

Also there is a limit to how fast a person can travel through space, 40,000 kph
UFO’s are mysterious, nothing on this planet can move through the air like they do in their “spacecraft”, It is safe to believe what we see as long as the picture or video is a true original and not manipulated.

It would be mysterious if we are the only living beings in the universe considering the infinite amount of earth like planets there are in the universe.


Did they count in the fact that to do something meaningfull in that alien world, the probe would have to reach speeds a lot lower, somehow brake from that speed, after having achieved a lot faster speeds in a medium that have no drag whatsoever beside the gravitational one, which is very weak. Gettting into a specific orbit could minimalize the speed, but to what extend I am not sure, the spacecraft having some means to reduce its speed by breaking or braking in atmosphere of alien planet? :joy: