Do you consider yourself to be overweight?

Don’t forget my cut

I see you like to drink and fall over drunk Frosty, but what about George?

No, but let’s look at something Eve Online related could we?

Example, A brand new Capsuleer decided to make use of their credit card to boost their new created pilot into a Highsec level 4 burner mission setup along with high quality implants to maximise the effectiveness.

This game that we play could also effect a Capsuleers morale to the point that they feel that they are ready to undock something way outside their range of risk vs reward.

Then moments into their mission they are interrupted by some ganker trash that completely destroys the investment that new Pilot decided to pay via real life money instead of taking the long route of starting small and years later being able to lose ships or donate billions of isk!

The point is that someone could be effected way worse than a simple fall due to no fault other than their own.

Some falls effect Capsuleers mentality and some falls effect people physically.

I don’t see the difference between the two in that scenario, Can you?

On is causued by stupidity and greed, the other is caused by Frostpacker being a doughnut.

So you have a thing for doughnuts?

I’m guessing that Githy enjoys doughnuts as after all she is a Space Police Pilot




@Aiko_Danuja for 200 billion isk I will remove my shirt and show what a true lumberjack looks like! :popcorn: @Uriel_the_Flame

You have to pay her 1 bil ISK (plus your debt) first so she removes your from her block list. :wink: :smirk: :blush:

Nope and I feel safe to say nobody else either. Which is why nobody will click your hint. :smiling_imp: :wink:

I clicked on it. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thanks for the peek, Felix

:wink: :innocent: :blush:

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That’s my middle name :grin:

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Excuse ME! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You are excused :grin:
You have a middle name too?

I am Nobody. :sunglasses:

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King Odysseus! No one in their right mind would dispute that claim but mine is none but a humble middle name. I am sure your highness can overlook such triviality?

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There’s nothing to forgive, dear. However, I do sell permits for other people to use that title and for only 25 ISK each for lifetime! Care for one? :smiley:

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I feel magnanimous today. :smiling_face: I will send you 100isk and officially use Nobody as my middle name.

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Cool beans! I’ll use that ISK to sub to a New Eden gym. I heard that Minmatar gyms are the most streamlined and give results as soon as the first training session. :upside_down_face:

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