Do you consider yourself to be overweight?

I wouldn’t trust the Minmatar gyms :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


you can remove your shirt

you can remove your shirt
Thanks fang for the 200 ;0



Great thread. I’m proud to vote ‘No’

But lemme tell you. I used to be 80 pounds heavier than this. Complacency kills guys. Watch your diet and stay in the gym.


I’m not 100% positive about this though I had read that there are more people in their 60’s attending a gym for water aerobics and general exercise than people in their 40’s or 50’s

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It’s called survivorship bias.

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I weighed myself yesterday and I’m somehow 25 pounds lighter than I was several months ago, yet I still have my pudgy gut. Gotta address my diet and activity.


Sexy. Thorn would totally date you.

Frosty had asked me to reach out and mention to you Thorne that can never happen, we know you’re going to be okay with out frosty but we want you to know it will only end badly as Frosty doesn’t know how to be normal for any sort or New Eden space date.

In fact he might actually be too scary to even be an evemail contact with you.

The absolute truth about us Thorne is that we do actually hold multiple personalities and we fear that they might interfere with frosty and as beautiful as it might seem to go on a space date with you. Frosty will not be present for that encounter!

But hey at least you know what you are to us!

A friend!

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:eyes: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:


Also Means Christmas Bonus



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Is that a thing in EVE? Sounds like a blast.

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The standard fee for a date is 1 billiion ISK.

It is customary to gank your date, taking all his stuff.

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I’m worth much more if anyone wants to take me on a date.

It’s okay, I usually leave my panties behind.


Same goes for divorce. :wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :upside_down_face:

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And I’m quite happy with that, and respect your decision to keep me in your space-friend zone.
