Do you consider yourself to be overweight?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Dont know
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Some pilots should not make it out of the clone batch.

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I won’t accept the contract if the weight exceeds the limits of the cargo hold, bubblewrapped nor flashfreeze-dried !

‘A Providence considering itself a Slicer still stays a Providence.’

ancient amarrian wisdom

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I could use a bit more weight. I can turn 360° in my pod, kind of disorienting.


I’ve just lost 25 kg in the last 3 years with a mix of diet change + more physical activity and oral semaglutide for my hereditary type 2 diabetes. :tipping_hand_woman:t2:


I had to have a special pod made larger for me.

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I can’t begin to imagine how much it must’ve cost you. Then they have to manufacture a new one everytime you get podded. I’m sure they’re beginning to regret ever recruiting you for rhe Capsuleer program :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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It was a State decision. But Home Guard does subsidizes the cost through Kaalakiota.

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That is a huge corporation. First time I fly into Caldari space and docked it was Kaalakiota. I checked how many stations and agents they have ( as I do everywhere I dock ) it was impressive.

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Kaalakiota is one of the 8 mega corps that make up the State. And I am a Kaalakiota citizen.

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Oh, and if you ever have a chance to visit Caldari Prime (currently under the occupation of the Federation) I highly recommend you visit the Kaalakiota peaks. It’s absolutely stunning.

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I voted Yes :+1:t2:
This was taken last Christmas and just tried the same shirt on and still fits so no gains or losses this year!


@Iceacid_Frostpacker I like your tree, and your Christmas shirt is very nice.
OH and you have an earing, how cuuute!

You removed the second picture! :stuck_out_tongue:

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It was the way my earring were described that made me take it down!

:facepalm: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :upside_down_face:

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Which is still considered a WIN by many. As Sienna already pointed out, you have a very nice shirt, sir.

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I think it would be fitting if @Iceacid_Frostpacker would wear one of those xmas sweaters with a built in button which when pressed plays songs performed by singing cats. :blush:


You shouldn’t have taken it down, it was a compliment. Plus, we already saw it so it’s too late anyway :slightly_smiling_face: