Do you consider yourself to be overweight?

I will print this out for Christmas and hold the picture to make a card.


Side note, keep an eye out for my future evemail dated 1st December Y124 which may change your view on adding myself as good standing in New Eden.

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Is that because youā€™re going to send me 2 bil isk?

I can see you might receive some carbon chunk in your stocking AxlTgnome

If by carbon chunk you mean 2 bil isk, then, yes.

I can sell @Iceacid_Frostpacker a piece of carbon for 2 bil ISK, can even go as low as 1.5 bil actually. :smirk:

Yes, Iā€™m overweighted by the needless and pointlessā€¦

The key to overweightness is this:

The food you donā€™t eat does not make you fat.

And the food you eat (what kind of food, how often, and what quantities) itā€™s 90% psychological. You eat what and how you are used to, which bears little to no relation to your actual body needs.

This is why people look down on fat people: they are publicly displaying the consequences of a bad custom, which often ends as a bad habit and sometimes even as an addiction.

And God know itā€™s hard to beat a bad custom, being used to do the wrong thing or do it the wrong way often is a part of our personality. Changing it takes effort, help and a bit of luck.

But at the end of the day:

The food you donā€™t eat does not make you fat.

To be fair some people have a easy time putting on weight while others do not even if they have the same habits. That being said being overweight is a sign of ignorance or irresponsibility regardless.

The good news is that losing weight is simple. Most people lose weight in their sleep because thatā€™s when the body runs out of sugars and switches to fat burning mode. So the trick to losing weight is to be in fat burning mode during the day as well.

^^This means you have to consume fat and not sugar and starches. Running and similar triggers a stress response which also kicks the body out of fat burning mode.

So you just gotta relax, eat steak, bacon, butter and non starchy vegetables to lose weight. Who would have thought !

It is widely accepted that AFK miners and hauler pilots are overweight. Getting ganked provides them gives them with incentive to stay awake and do some excercise via their shipā€™s hamster wheel. They should therefore be ganked at every opportunity for their own good.

Iā€™ve been obese for a little over a decade now. I blame the middle-age spread.

Yes still feel fatter than I should based on what my doctor told me.

Hereā€™s me waiting for the bus as I am officially too intoxicated to drive.

Do we feel the need to continue this thread or not?


Not overweight. I could use 10lbs more.

Good. Donā€™t drive drunk, the fine is expensive, lol.
You donā€™t look overweight. Just eat more veggies.

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Scroll up to my Christmas I had actually lost 2 kg this year

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Nice pic. Looks like you work out or used to. Watch what and when you eat :yum: You seem very friendly and kind.

I use to be a chippendale Australian performer. I had since let my body elapse in the past 30* years

Both men and women go crazy when chippendales
Half strip in stage.

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Thatā€™s awesome! I hope you have memorabilia.

Iā€™m sure there is a calendar from St George leagues club online.

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Thats not you lol. Itā€™s @Iceacid_Frostpacker, zonked out from mining too many rocks, but hey the princess needs her catalysts, so back to work.