Do you consider yourself to be overweight?

FITSO Motivation

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ā€œI donā€™t consider myself overweight but my doctor does.ā€ :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I myself am so skinny that I can get carried away by a strong wind. My brother can pick me up by the ankle with one hand. I swear the next guy who tells me I should eat something Iā€™m going to bite him.


ā€œFang-tasticā€? I believe @Felix_Frostpacker has a new toy version of you to play with. :slight_smile:

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Pfft. Youā€™re not fat.

when you have a

plumbers crack


that means your fatter than you should be

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So today I had to visit my doctor for a medical fitness to drive and so I was sober for the medical but stopped off at the pub on the way home .

Sort of celebrating

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Iā€™m the perfect weight for my hight.

I have tendency to make fun of guys with big beer belly :smile:

My bellybutton is one half pinky deep.

You know what to do then

I liked that picture and was going to screenshot my tummy but then you deleted that comment

/ wait your female?

// you donā€™t have to answer that but this is OOC and I like men.

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Did you just assume his gender? Thatā€™s one dangerous endeavor in this day and age. Mr Frostpacker you might get cancelled on twitter (no x garbage) as a result of your unwarranted assumption. :smiling_imp: :smirk: :innocent:

Yea, I delete comments when the forum bugs.

I wouldnā€™t have it any other way.

I like some men.


The comment regarding likes to make fun of beer belly gave it away.

I didnā€™t mean to offend you. It isnā€™t my fault that beer bellies make me chortle, especially when it sticks out of the t-shirt like Homer Simpson.

Is this an accurate description in your case Mr Frostpacker? :thinking:

:smirk: :innocent:

You never did but I stopped when you decided to delete your comment which is for the best as I could have been banned for exposing myself .

I should log out now!

Have a good day