Dont take away skills from my char just because i dont have an active subscription

The whiners need to HTFU!

Please help me understand how a game like Path of Exile can be free to play and i get access to all my characters and they even make new and INTERESTING expansions every year. And they have more players and more server cost than EVE Online i bet.

I mean seriously.

Because PoE has been built from the ground up to be a free to play -game, unlike Eve ,which is a subscription based game and the design decisions of both games build on those premises.

Not to mention the economy in Eve is far different from PoE as well as the amount of meta-gaming and abuse of any advantage that you can get in Eve that people will take advantage of if they can.

You are basically comparing oranges to potatoes and wondering why they donā€™t taste the sameā€¦


Stop the entitled whining. CCP is not a charity, they do not owe you a free game service. People like you are why alpha accounts were a terrible idea.


Also because POE is much younger than EvE. The devs havenā€™t run out of ideas yet.

Do recall, though, that they just recently had a massive redesign, which is usually an indicator that the devs needed something new to fuel new ideas. This can be a bad indicator, and when you couple it with their 3 month league cycleā€¦

Basically in POE premium stash tabs are the pay to win ,last I checked you still canā€™t list items from a normal tab even if it was bought.Also the game was a goddamn lagfest from all CoC crap in parties.

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