Heya MV
It’s a server side issue (i.e. the server’s down), so it doesn’t matter how fast or reliable your connection is
@Spc_One I get 322ms to your house wanna play chess?
There’s a pinned notice in the forum. Database issue
Lets all move to that thread. Any WiNGSPAN (@Captain_Blargg ) just arrived, time to leave system
o7 Captain
Imagine guys if they lost all data
Fresh start for everyone!
Eve, in the state it’s now, can’t be restarted. A “good” player these days has 20~40 alts, and all of them produce Skill Injectors to plex the accounts while providing insight to neighbour systems (cloaky alts). Might use 10-ish accounts to mine but with the ore nerfs, most alts are producing SP exclusively.
Whenever a new alt is made, you SP inject it immediately to the profession you want it to have, e.g. 1 hour old toon providing a titan jump bridge.
If the capsuleers are all reset, all those alts will need to be skilled into barges/gilas again, and for the time it takes them to do so, they won’t be SP extracted. But as they aren’t SP extracted, those accounts don’t generate the ISK required to PLEX themselves…
On the Science/Manufacturing side, all the hard work rorq mining in golden rorq age will have been in vain, as you’ll need to buy ores or mine them again, rather than sitting on a stockpile that will outlast eve’s lifetime, and producing items with 10/20 efficiency T2 BPOs, which don’t exist any more in the game (unless you still possess them from the golden age)
The reset of the “maxed market toons” means the traders will have to compete with the random players, pvp-ers, ratters, miners, and so on, on the market, rather than just paying reduced taxes and no broker fees.
Oh, and most of null (and wormhole space) won’t just be empty in terms of no players being within a couple of jumps, all the structures there will be gone, too.
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