Dread Alt 36.9M SP

Dread Alt for sale.

  • Located Jita 4-4
  • Positive Wallet
  • No kill rights
  • NPC Corp

36B Start: Scrub D2, PW 54321 (36,9M), Sec: 0.0
Focused Naglfar, Min Dread 5, Capital Projectile 4, 500k Unallocated SP.

I am for sale

Please reply here and not in game. Thank you.

if you extract all the useless not dread skills i can pay 1.2b x milion sp, im not willing to pay for rorqual, industry and misiles skills, that means if you extract it to 23mSP im paying 28B, you should do the math and see if thats ok for you

If you look at the characters board there are no missile skills or Rorq skills.

mm so whatever non dread skills

large projectile medium hybrid…

You know large guns V are required for cap right?

1 Like

Sorry i was from phone before couldnt check if you extract next skills i buy your char at good price.
1.1m sp in drones all useless Hull upgrades 5 useless, mechanics 5 useless, capacitor emision systems 5 not needed, Energy Grid Upgrades 5 not needed, Controlled burst 5 useless, medium hybrid turret 5 useless, afterburner useless 1.44m in resource processing useless, gallente cruiser 5 useless, 1m sp in subsystems useless.

Its not getting gutted for you mate. I’m in no hurry to sell. Have a good day.


31 bil


Looks like he stopped chaffer ,because I joined :)

32B will take it in 24 hours if it still holds top bid. Thanks.

well, if you are ready, I can do it right now ,let me know when you are ready

32.5 bil


33b will take it in 10 hours if still top bid. Thanks.

should i send isk and recive account to Scrub D2 in game mail?