im selling myself
would like 20bill
or nearest offer
contact me here or my main kiloalpha
Price agreed in game awaiting conformation on forum. Will send isk and account info after conformation
price ingame agreed …
i will send character to the account u send me . in about 5 hours when lazy wife comes back from spending my hard earnt wages
ISK and account info sent
info and isk received … will send in 5 hours
got a deal and a half on this one if you paid 20bil…
will offer 1bil more
Just checking in, when we agreed on the sale you said you would send the character in 5 hours. its been over 8 hours, when can I expect the transfer to be initiated?
I saw your in game mail, please keep me updated on the transfer, thank you
I have received conformation from CCP that the transfer process has been initiated. I will confirm on the bazaar once I have received the character
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