Drones Revamp

The drone deployment system needs a revamp. I have seen that some ships have a small hangar bay door through which drones are supposed to get out, but Instead they just appear to be coming out from the center of the ship and the sudden spawn really looks silly… The same goes for the scan probes . My suggestion is this: The drones could come out in line through the hangar doors ( or shafts ) )and then surround the ship in a passive defensive mode, orbiting. As for the core probe launchers , they also can be made to look like a smaller bomb launcher that can launch the probes in space also in a line formation or in a circle / spread formation. I believe you guys get the point.

nobody probably notices because nobody is zoomed in on their ships.
This is one less thing drone wise, we need ccp to touch for fear of something breaking


Eve is actually a bit Matrix-like. What you see ain’t what’s there. All our ships are just differing sized spheres. But you CAN zoom in and see what kind of guns are on the ship. That’s why, for me, the only useful ship skins are the ones that make it hard to see what’s on the ship. The “Biosecurity Responders” skins are like that.

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Speaking of realism we are flying space submarines anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


there is a long road to go before this becomes an issue that people really care about. really you are the first person i hear to bring this into question.
there are more pressing matters that need addressing before ccp should put any time into this.

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haha! I never thought about it that way! but somehow it makes sense. good catch! space submarines…

Stealth bombers ARE those submarines.

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