You need to do a special build of Wine with VKD3D compiled in to it - this isn’t part of WineHQ’s standard builds.
The various Proton builds have this compiled in, but I run Directx11 on a big standard Wine installation.
weirdly, only wine-vanilla and wine-proton seem to have the vkd3d flag available. But gentoo has its own package for vkd3d-proton, which I’m installing now. I’ll update with results.
UPDATE: installing vkd3d-proton did not help. Still no checkbox
UPDATE2: also, wine-staging-7.20 won’t start the client
It’s not “just install the VKD3D packages” either for Proton or plain Wine. You need to recompile Wine to integrate the libraries.
This is different to DXVK for Directx11 where it works are replacement .DLLs in n the installs, VKD3D is much more closely integrated into Wine.
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