I am very sorry to place such a basic question but I was unlucky to discover clear information on this.
Please can you kindly point me to link in esi-docs which defines what has to be declared on my 3rd-party website which uses/shows ESI or SDE data or anything that is like legal property of CCP.
There is plenty of 3rd-party websites which has it, usually at the bottom of the page and it starts with text: “EVE Online and the EVE logo are the registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights are reserved worldwide…”
Examples of such sites:
Some of the sites have full statement at the bottom on every page, some have only one sentence with link to full statement on other link.
I am interested where exactly it is defined WHAT and HOW it has to be displayed on the website, so if I deploy my website I do not break any rules/rights etc. I could not find it in docs, could not google it, technical support did not understand my question and could not help me.
I dont think it is mentioned here (or me must be blind):