an item is a line with its parent location (can be a system for corp structures), its state (packaged/not) , quantity if packaged, owner (corporation or user id), and a flag that contains the position inside the parent location.
This location_flag (actually a string) is what tells if an item is in the corpAG1 hangar, impounded, deliveries, or for example an item inside a container.
[ AssetSafety, AutoFit, Bonus, Booster, BoosterBay, Capsule, Cargo, CorpDeliveries, CorpSAG1, CorpSAG2, CorpSAG3, CorpSAG4, CorpSAG5, CorpSAG6, CorpSAG7, CorporationGoalDeliveries, CrateLoot, Deliveries, DroneBay, DustBattle, DustDatabank, FighterBay, FighterTube0, FighterTube1, FighterTube2, FighterTube3, FighterTube4, FleetHangar, FrigateEscapeBay, Hangar, HangarAll, HiSlot0, HiSlot1, HiSlot2, HiSlot3, HiSlot4, HiSlot5, HiSlot6, HiSlot7, HiddenModifiers, Implant, Impounded, JunkyardReprocessed, JunkyardTrashed, LoSlot0, LoSlot1, LoSlot2, LoSlot3, LoSlot4, LoSlot5, LoSlot6, LoSlot7, Locked, MedSlot0, MedSlot1, MedSlot2, MedSlot3, MedSlot4, MedSlot5, MedSlot6, MedSlot7, MobileDepotHold, OfficeFolder, Pilot, PlanetSurface, QuafeBay, QuantumCoreRoom, Reward, RigSlot0, RigSlot1, RigSlot2, RigSlot3, RigSlot4, RigSlot5, RigSlot6, RigSlot7, SecondaryStorage, ServiceSlot0, ServiceSlot1, ServiceSlot2, ServiceSlot3, ServiceSlot4, ServiceSlot5, ServiceSlot6, ServiceSlot7, ShipHangar, ShipOffline, Skill, SkillInTraining, SpecializedAmmoHold, SpecializedAsteroidHold, SpecializedCommandCenterHold, SpecializedFuelBay, SpecializedGasHold, SpecializedIceHold, SpecializedIndustrialShipHold, SpecializedLargeShipHold, SpecializedMaterialBay, SpecializedMediumShipHold, SpecializedMineralHold, SpecializedOreHold, SpecializedPlanetaryCommoditiesHold, SpecializedSalvageHold, SpecializedShipHold, SpecializedSmallShipHold, StructureActive, StructureFuel, StructureInactive, StructureOffline, SubSystemBay, SubSystemSlot0, SubSystemSlot1, SubSystemSlot2, SubSystemSlot3, SubSystemSlot4, SubSystemSlot5, SubSystemSlot6, SubSystemSlot7, Unlocked, Wallet, Wardrobe ]