ESI Setup Step By Step

Hi, I’ll get this error when i try to activate Evemon ESI-key import …
{“error”: “invalid_client”, “error_description”: “Unknown client”}
it would be nice if someone could tell you step by step how to set ESI Client
I’m most interested in What I put in Callpack URL code or what is that anyway …
I’m trying to say that if someone put an easy to use guide to ESI API Creating … And sorry bad English.Thanks…All anybody really really is interested in what to put in the Callpack URL Column …
-fly safe

Did you enable request for all of the Scopes? It will not work if not.

EVEmon Install guide:

  1. Download the latest version of EVEmon, 4.0.5b can be downloaded here
  2. Install EVEmon
  3. Login to and click Applications in top of page.
  4. Click Create Application and fill out the form with the necessary information.
    • Name is what you want to call the application on the EVE developer website.
    • Description write a short text about what this application is for.
    • Connection Type tick in Authentication & API-access
    • Permissions transfer all Scopes to the “Requested Scopes List” side, Note: this is important as it will not work if not.
    • CallBack URL put in http://localhost:4916/callback
  5. Now click “Create Application”
  6. Go back to Applications and click View Application on the newly created application, it will contain a Client ID and Secret Key, which you will need later.
  7. Open EVEmon, go to Tools > Options.
  8. Click on Network, which is under General on the left hand side.
  9. Under ESI Client Settings, fill in the Client ID and Secret Key
  10. Hit Apply then OK
  11. Go to File > Manage Characters.
  12. Go to ESI Keys tab, click Add
  13. Click the “Login with EVE Online”, this will open a website (SSO) where you will have to login with your account details.
  14. Once you’ve logged in you should get to the Authentication page and here you just scroll down and click Authorize - Repeat this to get all your account’s characters into EVEmon.
  15. Your Characters should now be imported and visible in EVEmon.

Important Notes

  • EVEmon only support 1 account at a time.
  • During the process of creating your Application on the you MUST move all scopes to the “Requested Scopes List” or you will get an error message when you try to Login with EVE’s SSO.

Thanks You , Thanks You…Now it works…Awesome…

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