Hi, I’ll get this error when i try to activate Evemon ESI-key import …
{“error”: “invalid_client”, “error_description”: “Unknown client”}
it would be nice if someone could tell you step by step how to set ESI Client
I’m most interested in What I put in Callpack URL code or what is that anyway …
I’m trying to say that if someone put an easy to use guide to ESI API Creating … And sorry bad English.Thanks…All anybody really really is interested in what to put in the Callpack URL Column …
-fly safe
Did you enable request for all of the Scopes? It will not work if not.
EVEmon Install guide:
- Download the latest version of EVEmon, 4.0.5b can be downloaded here
- Install EVEmon
- Login to https://developers.eveonline.com/ and click Applications in top of page.
- Click Create Application and fill out the form with the necessary information.
- Name is what you want to call the application on the EVE developer website.
- Description write a short text about what this application is for.
- Connection Type tick in Authentication & API-access
- Permissions transfer all Scopes to the “Requested Scopes List” side, Note: this is important as it will not work if not.
- CallBack URL put in http://localhost:4916/callback
- Now click “Create Application”
- Go back to Applications and click View Application on the newly created application, it will contain a Client ID and Secret Key, which you will need later.
- Open EVEmon, go to Tools > Options.
- Click on Network, which is under General on the left hand side.
- Under ESI Client Settings, fill in the Client ID and Secret Key
- Hit Apply then OK
- Go to File > Manage Characters.
- Go to ESI Keys tab, click Add
- Click the “Login with EVE Online”, this will open a website (SSO) where you will have to login with your account details.
- Once you’ve logged in you should get to the Authentication page and here you just scroll down and click Authorize - Repeat this to get all your account’s characters into EVEmon.
- Your Characters should now be imported and visible in EVEmon.
Important Notes
- EVEmon only support 1 account at a time.
- During the process of creating your Application on the https://developers.eveonline.com you MUST move all scopes to the “Requested Scopes List” or you will get an error message when you try to Login with EVE’s SSO.
Thanks You , Thanks You…Now it works…Awesome…
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