Hey, i like ESS, i like it to steal, i like it when doing fights there…but i dislike, that is possible to fly from the ESS warpgate into the free space (burnin) more then 10k km and cant be scannable and fight there, because the ESS warp gate soak all ships that is warping into 0,2AU arround that ESS.
Okay, yes you need a faster ship, but if there is a fast ship too like Kiki, or speed cruiser you can do nothing. Really nothing. I vote for a smaller soaking range and makes not accessable to sourround the warp gate. For using this mechanics you dont need any skills or what ever and it’s possible to camp a system for month… Please CCP do anything about that…i like PvP but dislike mechanics that make ships not attackable in free space like this!!!
grml, really i’m hard angry about that mechanic.
so long