Establishment of Ceremonial Squadron

In the past, at memorials and other ceremonies, capsuleers have performed the missing man formation. While these formations were performed with the best style and ability that the improvised squadrons could achieve, I think there is room for improvement. Therefor I will try to establish a permanent ceremonial squadron.

The primary purpose of this squadron will be to practice the missing man formation variants, and perform these at events such as memorials. If the pilots are willing and able to do so, we may look into practicing and performing other maneuvers that may be used during an astrobatic show.

As I have considerable experience when it comes to manual piloting and formation astrogation, I anticipate that instructor will be among my roles. I will also function as a coordinator and contact for the squadron, at least initially.

I hereby call upon pilots to volunteer for this squadron. You can do so without leaving your corporation. Ideally at least four pilots from each faction will join this squadron and practice with some regularity.

Last but not least, this squadron will need to have a name. I’ve been thinking of ‘New Eden Ceremonial Squadron’ or ‘One Eden Ceremonial Squadron’, but other suggestions are welcome.


-Ché Biko


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