[EU] [Low Sec] PVP / No1 FW Corp / BALLS DEEP INC

Balls Deep Inc. is selectively recruiting pilots looking for a tight-knit corp of like-minded players.

We are looking for individuals who will fit in with our overall vibe. We like to try new things, we like to fly with each other, and we actively create and seek content. Most importantly we like the game. You’ll find yourselves flying with some of EVE’s best FCs and plenty of activity during the EU time zones. We are currently part of Minmatar faction warfare.

Our speciality is small gang adventures with a focus on specialised ships and doctrines. Individual piloting skill matters a lot for the success of our fleets. Being part of Minmatar Fleet Alliance means we have access to plenty of large scale fleets to mix things up.

We are mainly seeking to recruit veteran players who have amassed a decent amount of SP and experience in EVE however we prioritise cultural fit over everything else. You need to be self sufficient when it comes to earning ISK but we have plenty of opportunities for doing so inside our corp as well as opportunities provided by being a part of Fl33t.


button Minimum 100m SP and able to fly what we like to fly, more SP and/or alts is better. If you are lower we also consider if your chill.

button Experience with small gang/solo PVP

button Able to fly one ship from each Minmatar Fleet Alliance doctrines

button Active during EU time zone, self sufficient when it comes to ISK, and willing to join our corp activities and voice comms

button No local warriors, we love to harvest salt from local but we don’t contribute to other peoples collection

Killboard: Balls Deep Inc. | Corporation | zKillboard

Take your first step towards joining a corporation with a rich history and bold plans for the future by applying via our Discord



Owning the game Squad adds bonus points on application

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Bump for today

Bump for today

If you are bored of the game, come join us and undock without any judgement!

Now the top FW Corp!

Lets go!

Still Riding the wave

Amazing corp

Monthly Bump

Very niiiice!

Love these guys