EU pvp corp LF alliance

Hey @YoYOYOYO_Ambrye

Would your corp be interested in a lowsec pvp alliance that is completely independent?

Our alliance Intergalactic Space Hobos are always looking for active pvp corps that are looking for more organization and cross-TZ content. We’re a EU/US alliance with established leadership and great inter-corp relations that tries hard to provide content. We have both US and EU corps and have good activity during weekday EU-US evenings and all day activity on weekends.

We actually have a lot of content coming up in the next few weeks throughout Placid (lowsec) and Syndicate (NPC null). While the game doesn’t always provide daily fights we do our best to go out in space and try to cause some stuff to happen.

If you’re interested join our public channel Open Filth in game to have a chat. If you’d prefer to contact someone specifically please reach out to myself, Drake Arson, or MasterGlorfy in game.

Filthy Peasants recruitment post (contains news articles and BRs about us): Low Sec PvP - Filthy Peasants is Recruiting