Hey! Feel free to add me, ive been looking for a group to play with for a while and I have access to a good amount of mining equipment.
Your welcome to come join our discord. There you can chat more with the recruiters.
Recruitment is open, come join us today.
Come join us today, still looking for pilots.
Still looking for pilots, come join us.
Are you finding yourself in the emptyness of space alone? Come join us, enjoy some shenanigans on comms. Recrutiment is open.
Come join the fun. Recruitment is open.
All pilots welcome, come check us out, have a good chat. Recruitment is open.
Recruitment is open, come join the fun today
Looking for all pilots, come join the fun. Recruitment is open.
Lookong for pilots, come join the fun. Recruitment is open.
Recruiment is open. Come join a bunch of misfits.
Looking for more Pilots. Recruitment is open.
Recruitment is open.
Still looking for pilots, come join the fun.
Still looking for pilots, recruitment is open.
We are still recruiting, come join us.
Recruitment is open.
Pilots still wanted come join us. Recruitment is open.
Still looking for pilots, come join us today. visit us on our discord linked in the Original post.