Looking for Misfits to join our Mafia! - Misfit Mafia Recruiting (Sov Null)

Misfit Mafia is looking for more misfits to join our ranks.

We are a 18+ social oriented Null sec corporation. We take both new and veteran players of the game!

Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit in somewhere? Ever join a corporation and then no one talks and everyone does their own thing? Looking for a corporation that not only plays together in game but ALSO is a social group of people?

Look no further! We have what you are looking for!

Our focus areas:

→ Being Social

→ Having fun

→ Doing things together as a group

→ Doing stuff and things. Whatever we are interested in doing that day we do, no strict focus

→ Helping our alliance and Coalition where its needed. (Shadow ultimatum/Imperium)


→ Be social! Join us on discord/mumble we would love to get to know you! (Mic Required)

→ 18+ as our conversations can be unhinged sometimes :wink:

→ Be able to take a joke and sarcasm.

→ Positive can do attitude. We are all pretty bad, but we have fun.

→ 5m+ SP is highly recommended, but we prefer quality people over toon skills. If you fit with us on a social level, we will help you become the best pilot possible.

Come talk to us! Misfit Mafia

Still looking for more members to join our band of misfits!

Still looking for more members to join our band of misfits!


Still looking :slight_smile:

Still looking for more members to join our band of misfits!


Still taking in like minded pilots!

Still taking in like minded pilots!

Still taking in like minded pilots!

Still looking for more members to join our band of misfits!

looking for more to join in on the fun :slight_smile:

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Bump! Come fly with us!


Bump! Come fly with us!

Looking to take in more like minded pilots <3

Still looking :slight_smile:

Still looking for more members to join our band of misfits!

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