Bump bump bump
Bump bump bump!
bumped again
bumped again
Please be sure to read and understand these additional rules before posting.
- This is the only forum category where recruitment is permitted.
- If you hijack a recruitment thread, whether to promote your own recruitment or run it off course with non recruitment related chat, you are liable to receive an off topic warning or a forum posting suspension.
- Trolling, political attacks and badmouthing of corporations on this forum category are not permitted.
- Bumping is only permitted once per calendar day. If you bump a thread on January 1st, your next bump cannot occur until January 2nd.
- Friendly or multiple bumps per day are not permitted.
- Bumping is only allowed by members of the corporation that are recruiting.
- Bumping must consist of a real sentence, not simply the word “bump”. For example: “Recruitment still open” is an acceptable bump.
- All times regarding the monitoring of bumping are UTC, in line with EVE Time.
- Excessive bumping will be treated as spamming, and will be actioned as such under the forum rules.
- Having friends or corp mates post false questions, using alts to do so, or otherwise trying to circumvent the bumping rules will result in a forum ban for all parties involved.
Topic closed for 72h as a frist Warning.
This topic was automatically opened after 3 days.
Recruitment still open
Recruitment still open
Recruitment still open
Recruitment still open
Recruitment still open
[ Recruitment still open
Recruitment still open