Eve Anywhere?

So I was a filthy casual on-again off-again player. Now I just saw a thing about Eve Anywhere and I wanted to see how well does it run in the browser if it’s solid then I can see myself paying to play again.


Last thing I saw about it, it was limited to Omega accounts and specific regions. Not sure if they’ve expanded it since then.

As with any game streaming service, performance relies heavily on your internet pipe, as now your entire EVE experience is dependent upon how well your stream performs. If your internet is spotty or on the slow end, EVE Anywhere may not be for you.

For example, if you routinely have to downgrade video quality in streams from services like Netflix, Discovery +, etc., you will probably not want to spend money on an Omega sub just to use EVE Anywhere, as there is a good chance you will have insufficient connection throughput to support the game.

Note that the EVE client has a 1.5 Mbps minimum bandwidth requirement (ADSL) , and there is no publicly released bandwidth for EVE Anywhere. It is probably higher than that, tho - as a comparison point, Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Connection recommendation for 1920 x 1080 @ 30fps is 5 Mbps, and EVE Anywhere streams as 1080p @ 60 fps. We also have no information on data consumption compared to the EVE client, so if you have a metered connection, or one where you get throttled, caution is advised.

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I have a really good internet connection and upload and download not issue. So I will take the dive and re-up my sub the only reason why I stopped was my main computer died and my current set-up was super choppy when trying to play so this seems like a good reason to get back into the game thanks.

Good luck, I hope it works for you and you enjoy your time back in EVE!

I’ve vague recollections that the bandwidth needed is about 10Mbps - though there are probably jitter and latency limits as well. That would be consistent with a high-definition video stream.
As the browser client loads up it does a test to confirm the network connection is usable.

I’ve not used Eve Anywhere in earnest, i was just curious to see if I could use it as a fallback for running Eve on Linux: It does that nicely.

I will let you all know how it runs going to re-sub on Friday.

IIRC new accounts get a chance to try out EVE Anywhere on their first day, even without Omega - you might make a new account to test your connection before subbing your current account?

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