Eve Bots - are they a bad thing, is CCP complicit in their use?

That wouldn’t really help anything

I posted on this at length before.

A mixed bag of pop-up minigames will confound bots.
Even one per hour will be enough to wreck bots otherwise left to run for 2-23 hrs.

They may be able to deal with any of of them individually, but not when they are drawn from a random pool of such minigames, especially if they are formatted to confound bots with random colors/shapes/movement etc.

They will be trivial for a human to solve, but bots cant handle them.

Even just a set of 5 distinct such minigames, with random elements, will stump bots utterly, once per hour.




These are just a few very rudimentary drafts.
Im sure CCP can do much better, and “EVEify” them to look better.

Adding a Captcha is like having RL roadblocks and searches every 20 miles of road.

IMO, it’s a terrible idea to put the law-abiding population through a big hassle just to catch the rule-breaking minority. Not saying something doesn’t need to be done, just saying it’s not an acceptable solution.


Meh, spending 3-5s completing a simple minigame once an hour is not a big deal.

I spend more time picking my nose.

Especially not compared to how devastating that would be for bots, especially the “permabots” that run currently for up to 23hrs per day.

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You are about to meet a lot of resistance, the AFK cloaking group especially.


Not my first rodeo on this topic.

They are scared, cos Im right, and my proposal is very simple to implement and only a tiny inconvenience for legit players vs how utterly it will wreck botters.

For me, everytime I spend a few seconds to complete the 1/hr minigame, I will laugh heartily at how badly its hurting botters.

PS: This wont affect afk cloakers. As long as they are inactive, nothing changes. The minigames only prevent activation of modules/ship functions until they are completed. Any afk player that isnt making any actions, wont be affected. They just wont be able to make actions, until they complete the minigame,

Give some isk reward for completing your mini games and i dont mind :joy:

btw bots should be detected. this is the right method.

A reward of some kind is something that can be considered.

I think I remember suggesting points from each minigame completion that can be used to buy a special “Im not a bot” or something SKIN/apparel.

For me, the knowledge that the system is absolutely wrecking botters, is reward enough.

But what if your mini game pops up in a fight, or in a pve situation where you really need to concentrate?

These where addressed in previous threads.

The minigame popup would not occur when the ship is targetted. More conditions can be added to prevent popups at inopportune moments, but only so that they dont enable botters to chain content without a popup.

Ideal would be during warps, as all target locks are ended during warp, thus preventing a botter artificially locking his bot alt while transiting between content via warp.

The warp period also allows for time for a player to solve the minigame, while they are not at any risk.

And what happens if a retarded player(i know some from this forum lol.) cant solve the minigame while warping to the next site?

They can attempt it as often as they want.
Until they solve it, they will be unable to perform any ship/module command.

Ok but lets say someone cant solve it for whatever reason when warping to the next site. Rats could kill him

The minigames are so simple a child can solve them.
(But a bot cant, due to them being drawn from a pool of several different minigames, and each being randomized by color/figures/shapes/movement per instance)

If they cant, then yes, rats might kill them.
Too bad. Too sad.
EVE has never been kind to idiots.


Not again!

Post Bot stuff here:

Please help! You’re our only hope.

–Gadget is not classified as a bot

I don’t know, bots would refer to themselves in the same manner.

also im still behind my program detection, worked great for tibia. it would even kill any attempt of isboxer as it would detect the input automation and kill it. ofcourse the program also did the banning when Tibia implemented it, so sortly after starting a bot/automation program, they would find themselves unable to log in with a nice little email.

Mmm, I agree with Gadget the “Not” Bot.

I will merge this with the mega thread.


Thanks, saves me having to repeat my proposals.

You’re just going to change the bar from “stupid programmer can write a bot” to “half-decent programmer can write a bot”, while annoying paying customers and alpha clowns.