EVE Buddy: A desktop companion app (v0.12)

EVE Buddy is a desktop companion app and has three key features:

  • Give you access to your characters without having to log into the Eve client or switching your current Eve character
  • Provide you with helpful functions, that the Eve client is lacking, like asset search across all your characters
  • Notify you about important events: new Eve communications (e.g. a structure was attacked), new Eve mails, PI extraction expired, Training queue run empty and more

EVE Buddy is available for Windows, macOS and Linux.


EVE Buddy is free and and open source. The app is in active development and any feedback, suggestions and contributions are very welcome!

For support and questions please feel free to join the #evebuddy channel on our Discord server.

For more information please see the official website.

You can download the latest version here.


Looks great! Wasn’t able to download my assets or transactions, but other than that everything else seems to be working.

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Thank you for your feedback. Would be great if you could open a bug report with more information so I can take a look at your issue. If you do not want to share your logs here you can also join our Discord support server and DM me you details.

Sure thing, will do.

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Will try shortly via mobile to see how it feels

Hey, just a heads up. This app is currently available for windows, macOS and Linux, but not for Android or iOS.


Linux desktop? =S


Do you have plans for a mobile app?

This one looks super slick. Really digging the clean UI. Makes me want to create an app with go :smiley:

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Any plans to have a total asset feature (including PLEX)?


Yeah the Fyne GUI toolkit is really nice for make GUI apps in Go. And it also supports Android and iOS, so I might extend the app to mobile at some point. But currently my main focus is the desktop.

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I would love too, but AFAIK it is currently not possible to retrieve the PLEX wallet balance from ESI.

See also this post: PLEX Vault

Yes. I am actually developing primarily on Linux Desktop (Ubuntu). Works great

Confirmed. Appimage booted right up and had my EVE data and a single toon updated within 5 minutes.

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Recently added key features (up to 0.10.):

  • Desktop notification when a training queue runs empty
  • View of current PI colonies per character
  • List of PI colonies for all characters
  • Desktop notification when when an extraction expired

Feature update 0.11:

  • You can now also see the contracts for yours characters and enable notifications for contract status changes

Update 0.12 released:

  • Technical update laying the groundwork for a potential mobile version