Welcome back Angelica. What’s it been? About 3 years?
That’s fair! Hey, I think I need some glasses. Maybe a new tattoo! OMG does EVE finally have skirts???
HELLO! it’s been way too short! I have a new job now! I’m an inspector! proudofmyself
How are you doing?
Same, same as always, though a bit more bitter vet than I used to be
If history is anything to go by, this will become an echo chamber of the owner and their supporters. Those with an opposing view will be banned.
The eve forums are essentially what this discord server is for, but with better infrastructure and better moderation.
Erotica 1 alt.
Hey, if he feels that his “discussions” are better hosted in a separate place far from these forums, and that the (I’m certain) supremely rational discussion that will happen there means he will have less time for posting here, than I am willing to make that sacrifice and accept that loss. You know- for the “betterment of the game”.
So kind of you
You underestimate the power of “word of mouth”.
That’s the name I couldn’t remember the other day.
Free the Erotica 1!
I sincerely wish you the best of luck and so many members that you no longer need to engage with the measly discussions that happen here.
Discord is for voice chat
I am highly successful on these forums. The last 5 posts iv made have exceeded 5k views in less then 24 hours, in most cases above 7k
Hun, you should join too! He’s a nice guy, you know! Even sent me lovely pics of flowers and a birdy!
dont forget the on-the-spot poetry
Because people link those threads to laugh at them? That isn’t something i’d call a success.
Is that you?
That means no.