Eve - Development Chat (Discord)

Topic re-opened and moved to My EVE.

Cut the trolling and the following people around the forums chasing their posts.

This is a warning to both sides of the fence - cut it out please otherwise there’ll start to be issues with people’s forum posting access.


Thank you. This was my outlet to help find a middle ground while not making your jobs difficult.

:smiley: Yes…of course you are… I encourage you to keep posting! Fight the good fight! :fist:

@CCP_Falcon …it’s not like a large number of new posts are made on the eve forums anymore to where posts from a particular OP might be less immediately noticeable…especially when they make a lot of them…then there is of course simply getting notifications from threads one is watching…not really much effort involved in finding the post one is notified that someone has commented on, as I’m sure you are quite aware of. The time when new topics and posts being commented on the eve forums were plentiful enough to make things scroll past much faster is sadly at least in a lull atm. Ezwalification, redditeffect, and other factors have taken a heavy toll on the once-populous forums. I hold out hope that situation will change and salute ccp’s efforts in that direction. However, right now at least it is hardly difficult to notice an inflammatory poster.

You voice absolute contempt for ccp employees yet claim you are interested in making their jobs easier?..ok…


It seems people are forgetting too fast that he has not once ever said an honest thing and that he steals and abuses new players. Don’t fall for his ■■■■.


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