EVE Ecosystem Stream 29 March Q&A

Question 6: Where is the updated industry information for making things like Crystalline Carbonide Armor Plates, since these changes are sweeping enough that we cannot assume things not listed aren’t changing? Is this another instance where you’re expecting us to afford you a truckload of trust you very much haven’t earned?

(Yeah, I admit it, this is basically Question 1 again. The more basic form should probably be: 'Why is this spreadsheet so woefully incomplete, and are we really supposed to just trust you that nothing is changing without being listed

Because we don’t.’)


Anything more you can tell us about this “new intel tool” at this point?

  1. Why is it bad for new industrialists to learn about using the marketplace to buy Nocxium and Zydrine to build their Rifter?
  2. Why does it 99% require AFK mining minerals to build those T1 Frigates? x_x
  3. Do you want for people to interact less with the game?
  4. Why is there no startup program like in RL so new industrialists can produce with benefits and actually compete with the “big guys” ?
  5. Are there plans to change how industry jobs are submitted? Like some kind of limited station jobs or something alike?

and the most important…

  1. WHAT IS “Mycoserocin” lorewise ? :smiley:

eve portal PI when? i need some eve in my live when i got meetings


Hey CCP Convict.

I’m a rabid Trig fan. Their ships are amazing, and pochven looks wonderfull. Theres solid player activity, but I feel like some exploration content could really draw people in. Can we expect a revisit to that area soon? I really need to know what the anchorage is for :'D

<3 Gab


The industry was already complex before the change in mineral distribution, it has become very complex by the change of minerals! When will we have the right to have the update in the iHub to prohibit Covert Cynosural Field Generator stealthy? Because currently all the adjustments undertaken no longer necessarily give an interest in taking out a Rorqual to mine, or then giving the Rorqual the possibility of leaving industrial mode instantly. You only give constraints to the miner and the industrialist, when will we also have advantages?

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not related to the current changes:
Can you make the top left searchbox cache data so that it doesn’t have to have the usage interval limit? I think you could very comfortably cache literally everything except player toons, so making the logic in a way that first searches static data and shows results, and then on the background sends a server request to search basically only toons and alliances and corps, and if the usage interval limit was reached, show search results for all the statics and an “not searched yet - will ask server in XY seconds”…? for the dynamic cathegories if the limit has been exceeded?

my point is, that search bar is the quickest and most convenient thing to search for anything, including systems i want to set route to, and most of the data it searches through i static/local/cached (systems, items, hulls), so it being limited because of the dynammic part (allis, corps, player) seems… sad. there must be a way to make it limitlessly usable for the static data without overloading the servers!

Will reactions continue to be limited to low, null and wormhole systems?

Are Gas-phase reactions a new type or the same as one of the existing composite / hybrid polymer / biochemical reactions. If new, does that imply new reactor type and ME/TE rigs?


What about changes to involve Capital T2 components?

Right now they are used exclusively to build Jump Frighters, except the weapon-related components which are not used for ANYTHING. Shouldn’t T2 capital components should be used for building T2 capital modules?

What’s the logic and reason why you can build a Rifter and Atron, and any other T1 combat frigate with exactly the same materials? Ships from different empire, look, behavior, and stats.

This makes no sense.


Have you considered allowing Mining Lasers to do targeted damage to ship modules?


Nugoehuvi Synth Blue Pill Booster?

Any chance you will be ending your T2BPO pet program that has haemorrhaged subs since it was introduced?


Now that industry is being balanced, I wonder if there will be real balance between T1 and T2 and T3? Currently, other than cost/skills, there is never any reason to bring T1 anything.

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What exactly is the thinking behind increased complexity in industry with a decline in users? Do T1 ships need to be more complex? You could have just simply increased existing resource needs for these ships. What was the thought process behind these decisions?


What is the strategy behind and the hoped for objectives for these changes?
Did the mineral rebalance achieve what is was supposed to?

Hi CCP, is it intended that the Core Temperature Regulator requires Science V?
Because that would mean that one of the components needed for battleships can’t be manufactored by alpha clone pilots.


I just have a little question. Not expecting it be considered but it’s ok.

Why do you keep changing things around?
I thought I was playing a game that was finished, as in done, where updates would bring new content, not reshuffling.
Surely, after all this time EVE been online, you would’ve figured things out to where any update would be new things, not old things reworked.
Ok, that’s 2 questions, I apologize.


CCP, It seems there is always an effort to get more players into low sec and null. You always seem to think that increasing rewards is the answer. History shows it is not. Have you ever instead considered lowering the risk?


Praxis seems to be missing from the Excel worksheet. Is this an oversite? Or are there no changes to Praxis. Gnosis is listed, so I assume Praxis is just missing.

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