Hey everyone! In the leadup to the 12 March Major Update, @CCP_Burger , @CCP_Rattati , @CCP_Okami and @CCP_Trash_Panda are taking over the EVE Online Instagram to share some quick info about what you can expect.
We’ll have more through the weekend, so be sure to stay tuned!
I’m glad I could click past the ‘open in app’ and ‘log in to instagram’ screens and read the message I wanted to read in the subtitles, but I agree it’s not my favourite way to read news.
On 12 March, the bonuses for the Eos hull will differentiate between combat drones and sentry drones, giving a separate bonuses to combat drones and sentries.
How that manifests is something like this:
BC skill
10% bonus to heavy drone, medium drone, and light drone hitpoints and damage
5% bonus to sentry drone damage and hitpoints.
Command Ship skill
7.5% bonus to heavy drone, medium drone and light drone tracking
Thanks for the feedback! The majority of the information in these is covered in the Mining Dev Blog, but the devs just wanted to chat. They’ll exist on non-Meta platforms as well
will ccp start baning people for using snapkey or eve x o preview ? then the “multibox problem” will solve from itself, because when you dont need to press ctrl to lock targets, you are on a huge advantage compared to people who dont use it.