EVE Ecosystem Stream 29 March Q&A

In Table 2, the trigger neurolink conduits are shown as reactions, but in table 3 they are shown as blueprints. I think Table 2 is incorrect.

Also, table 3 shows the istropic neofullerence reactions as gas-phase, but all other reactions using wormhole gas are hybrid reactions. I think these should be too.

  • You’ve historically mentioned wanting more levers for balancing purposes. Can you elaborate on your reasoning for using existing levers/materials to add to for example the capital building, as this would likely result in (negatively) impacting all areas that are tied to this lever, as opposed to using unique materials for each type which would give you independent levers to tweak, like you did with the introduction of triglavian materials?

  • The devblog mentions improving consistency and making industry easier to understand, yet from what we can see so far it seems these changes only add complexity without solving any of the underlying issues in industry like broken tax mechanics and the problematic situation with rigs? Will you be addressing these issues in the near future?
    Why did you choose to incorporate tech 3 reaction materials into what is classically seen as t1 ship classes? How does this reduce complexity and improve consistency?

  • Will you be taking the newly added requirements for stocking additional materials in order to build supplies for our fleets into consideration when thinking about changes/improvements for logistics? (Space trucking)
    Can we get bigger freighters? :slight_smile:


Not sure if any one else has asked this: Are you changing the time required to build any of the T1 ships? Isn’t it a bit ridiculous that you can build an entire Battleship in about 2 hours?

When are we going to get the CARROT ?

you asked us to trust you and we have yet you are still on this mind bender of causing even more scarcity in eve, when do we get the carrot you promissed us , and stop this scarcity phase.

all i se is more heartache for new players wanting to get into industry and you ccp already handing the prize to the industrialist that have all these skills already trained or enough money to inject them to max

when is it all going to stop ?


@CCP_Psych , @CCP_Rattati

Why CCP wont add much more procedural systems to the current universe?
You saying about “exploration” but everything is already explored.

I have two questions.

Q1: increased demand for various types of gas will affect price of things like t3 ships and drugs. Is price spike on those part of your intention?

Q2: what will happen to null gas (cytoserocin)? Will it still be highly concentrated in 8 gas constellations, or will be spread out a little to prevent monopolies?


If ship insurance is based on mineral cost. Wont the insurance payout of battleships and capitals ships lower since they now require less minerals?

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With the new system dreads will currently cost 10.5 to 12.5 bil not including the new materials-and that is without the fit how does that benefit the player base?


What is youur ideal price range for caps and suuper caps and why? Do you wish to see more or less high level fights?

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Are you going to balance T2 bpcs? For example most cap components have way too much of their cost in morphite vs reasctions.

Tell me CCP, How are you going to control the skyrocking price of Ice. Which makes it harder for EVERYTHING including production.

Will there be any changes to the way reactions are run (like being in some stations, or some types of reactions allowed in highsec structures) now that they’re a massive part of the industry process?

With the new system dreads will currently cost 10.5 to 12.5 not including the new materials-and that is without the fit how does that benefit the player base?

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T2 BPOs are a printing press of free isk is there any changes to those?

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Hey folks, thanks for your questions. We couldn’t have answered all of them, or answered them all meaningfully, so we chose questions we thought we could reasonably answer. The VOD of the stream is here: