This was an incredibly hard decision for us here at CCP and we realise a lot of people had already made flight and accommodation commitments and will now face financial penalties as a result.
I’m grateful to see so many people saying things like “we understand” and it “was the right decision” despite the hardship it has caused to them personally. Instead of torches and pitchforks there’s been a lot of understanding and deference. Thank you!
And it’s not just a line - our players’ health and safety really is our top priority at live events and given the spectrum of possible outcomes a month from now when Fanfest was due to take place, this really is the least worst of a bunch of really bad potential outcomes.
That said I have a ton of admiration for the people already saying “Screw it, we’re going to Iceland anyway and we’ll make our own Fanfest!” I love that spirit!
We’re really immensely sorry and at CCP we’re all very disappointed that we’ve had to do this. Fanfest is incredibly special to us because it provides an opportunity to so many devs who work behind the scenes and don’t normally get to interact with players a chance to engage with you in a really personal and meaningful way. That said I still acknowledge that our loss isn’t as significant at those who have made an investment into getting here in the first place.
In the coming weeks we’ll be looking at ways we can make it up to you and I hope we can come up with something that at least makes you feel at least a little bit better about this outcome.