EVE is an easy 7/10 on Josh Strife Hayes' Pay2Win scale

You are changing the definition to prevent it from matching. That’s moving the goalpost.

Except you can’t. There is a reason why it’s so important in the game.
You actually NEED it.

No it does not. Go look up the definition. Plex is not an isk faucet.

for more info on what happened.

I don’t see people paying omega for a game they don’t have time to play, especially a game where everything is time gated and hardly casual. Do you ?

Your standpoint is that “time inequality” is as reprehensible as “cash inequality”. I think most people would disagree. because the “time inequality” is also the result of a choice, “cash inequality” not so much. From which follows that introducing “cash inequality” into the game unevens the play field.

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Not exactly.

PLEX, in it’s original iteration, was purely and solely an anti-RMT measure. It provided a legit means for those who wished to turn $$$ into ISK and for those with ISK to sub their accounts through ingame currency.

Prior to PLEX, there were numerous sites selling ISK for $$$. This is a problem in all games that have any kind of player-to-player trading mechanism. I heartily dislike and disagree with the Josh Strife Hayes’ placement of such products so high on his arbitrary scale. While yes, there’s a certain sense of 'if you can’t beat 'em, join ‘em’ involved, I can totally understand why a games publisher would want to open up that income stream for themselves.

As an anti-RMT mechanism, PLEX has been wildly successful. Very few will run the banhammer gauntlet of the ISK black market when there’s a legit mechanism offered by the game producer.

Not a perfect solution I confess, but we live in an imperfect world full of imperfect people.


That’s not what I said. I made the point that people who wail about ‘P2W’ don’t seem to have any problem with time inequality…and I am thus calling hypocrisy.

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You are saying that buying your way into stuff is “fair”, for reasons of “time constraints” or whatever. I’d argue it’s anything but fair in a game where an even play field means all players come with only their play skills. The hypocrisy would be to pretend that buying anything extra in game via cash isn’t an advantage. Swiping a card to “catch up” (whatever that may mean) isn’t exactly a player skill :grin:

Also, there is no way to make the difference between players that do use their time and also do swipe their cards at the same time and those players that don’t spend similar time in game and therefore swipe their cards. That unevens the play field even more.

So you come to a situation where, in the end, you run the risk of real differences being made via an individual’s possibility to spend more cash, not on an individual’s actual player skills. I don’t know if not seeing this can be described as “hypocrisy”, but it is at least an oversight.

True. I forgot about that part. Thanks. Doc Eyjö was (still is) a smart guy.

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Except EVE isn’t a game with an even playing field. It never has been, except possibly for a few months immediately after release.

The field can be skewed in your favour in numerous ways, none of which has anything to do with swiping a credit card.

The trick is to know how to skew it to your advantage in a given situation. That could be as simple as looking up someone’s killboard before deciding to engage. Or calling on mates from former corps to come and help you when needed. Both of those options are far more powerful than a couple million injected SP or a few billion ISK from selling PLEX.

Sure, all that stuff about controlling the play field is true.
Yet you can easily find situations where swiping a card for sp or for multiboxing gives a clear advantage over someone who did not/cannot. That is not a skill difference, only a cash difference. All the more reason to keep it as contained as possible, despite historic excuses. What is good for an individual may not be good for the entire group - it’s not that hard a call to make, as a community.

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And there are also examples of exactly the opposite.

As I mentioned earlier in this thread, Suitonia, now CCP Kestrel, took a base skills alpha pilot out in faction warfare and got kills on numerous pilots with more sp and “better” ships. It’s all documented on his YouTube channel.

SP and ISK only go so far in this game. Ingame knowledge and player skill can make up for a surprisingly large deficit of ISK and SP.

I agree. lol !!!
In fact I wrote similar stuff in several other threads about “catching up”, where other forum visitors exaggerated the effect of buying SP.

Notice I only urge for “vigilance” when it comes to microtransactional monetization, not for rolling back what is already present at this time.


I think it was actuality DARIUSJONSON who brought in plex as an anti rmt device.

Former leader of goons who went to work for ccp.

An even playing field for noobs after 20 years of massive blocs piling up trillions and grabbing most of the universe ? It’s sort of like joining a game of Monopoly where all the properties already have hotels on them and the train stations are all owned. And people then expect you to spend 2 years ‘grinding’ on this totally un-even playing field.

There really isn’t an even playing field in the first place. Add on the time factor of some being time rich and some being time poor, and that is even more so. In the face of all this, the option to re-balance the playing field via PLEX seems eminently sensible.


This is what I find absurd. You worry about people spending a little cash to gain a little ‘advantage’, yet there’s people with 20 years head start who have a HUGE advantage before any noob even joins the game. Indeed, after watching that 6 hour Eve documentary I see the un-even playing field goes back to before Eve was even officially opened…as many of the ‘testers’ were already forming corps and grabbing systems before the doors were ever opened. Even playing field…anyone ?


No, I’m explaining the very different mechanics that result in something being talked about in relation to one game not being applicable to another game. Clearly you are not going to accept this point and rely on ‘any skip is the same’, which is just totally ignorant of reality but whatever.

This is an outright lie. Name any situation where you literally cannot use another player instead of an alt. I won’t hold my breath.

You’re really very good at completely ignoring context. I was talking about the amount of isk released to players selling Plex. This number is very small compared to isk faucets in the game. More rules lawyering and meaningless argument.

Ah yeah, no I remember those. The system works!

So again, we are left with a situation whereby the monetisation in Eve is pretty good, all told. Yes we need to be vigilant, but the original premise of ‘Eve is 7/10 on the p2w scale’ just doesn’t bear any detailed scrutiny - and the more scrutiny I place on Eve’s monetisation, the better it looks.

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PLEX is RMT. Straight up.

What it did is move RMT from third party to CCP.

Great for CCP but how does that change anything for the game? It fixed nothing.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Don’t forget the traders. They piled up the largest amounts of personal ISK and wealth. You’re welcome :grin:

But thank you for confirming that some still think the “lie down and die” argument (see an earlier post) is a valid one.

That applies to any group of people playing Monopoly as well. It’s called player skill.

Not at all … that’s not a correct comparison. In Monopoly you have a closed system of “resources”, and a limited total amount of currency in the game. That is not a thing in EvE. Here you can and are supposed to work for your position - unless one feels entitled of having all that without moving anything else but a credit card, of course, which still won’t work, btw.

… which was entirely due to player skill (their creativity / ingenuity / intelligence). I’ve gone through “EvE Down the Rabbit Hole” more than once. It’s fascinating. I’m sure that there were more than enough systems that were not “grabbed” before the game became public. It was a local thing, apart from the structures involved (which was remedied by ccp, btw).

In the mean time, thank you for believing the catch up-fable and doing extra business. If you can spare the time, perhaps you could read my replies to other people as well. One or two things may become clearer.

P.S. I’m not here to convince you

You keep trying to fall back on ‘player skill’, but precisely the grind system you are enamoured with leads to the differential in skills points. It is built into the system. A noob player cannot just suddenly ‘grind’ 5 years worth of skills overnight which means someone who is 5 years ahead will stay 5 years ahead for a long time.

The wait is too long…especially when, as an Omega player, one is already paying $20 a month just to be in the game. I’m expected to pay $240 in my first year…to still be 5 years behind that other guy ? Stuff that. The ‘grind’ mechanic may have been ideal when Eve was just a few years old…but after 20 years the playing field is SO un-level that relying solely on grind is simply no longer tennable.

Correct, PLEX is like RMT, but then it pays the ones that maintain and improve the game, rather than the ones that undermine the game.

PLEX did fix something: what PLEX fixed is that far fewer people are paying third party RMT now, which means there is less demand for RMT and as result less of the spam, botting and hacking that accompany RMT. RMT is still there, but in much smaller numbers than it would have been had there been no PLEX.

This isn’t only great for CCP, but also great for the players of this game.

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Once a CCP simp, always a CCP simp.

Welcome back, Gerard.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

EVE is not P2W for the simple reason that nothing you buy with your credit card cannot be earned ingame. Everyhing else is irrelevant.


It’s not ignorant.
It’s the same.
You are moving the goalpost when now using “not in the same way as” instead of “if you can” as a criterion. That’s debilitatingly stupid.
You have a frustration induced by the game to delay your access to fun, and you can pay money to skip that frustration : it does translate. Your “but if we say some stupid thing then we can say it’s stupid” does not translate into a problem with the point Josh makes.

You are again moving the goalpost. Your affirmation was “you can just as easily, and far more efficiently in the majority of cases, use another real person rather than multiboxing in all of those cases.”
You can’t use another player as easily as an alt. That’s a plain lie.
Pay enough and you have an alt ready under 30min, always available, with exactly the skills you need, and no problem to share resources.

You’re really very good at completely ignoring definition. This is not an isk faucet.
It’s not a problem of context. It’s a problem of you not looking up the definition when told to.