You can’t expect a niche game to be more popular. It seems that the average gamer likes to run around in the woods and hug monsters ala WoW – which i personaly find pretty boring after a while…
Ahem…the correct statement is,
“That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.” Necronomicon, Abdul Alhazred
Go back to reddit.
There’s nothing wrong with the most popular MMO of all time. In fact there’s some good lessons to be gained.
What I find boring and distressing about EVE is that under the awesome game itself, there’s no zone one can lick wounds, there’s no place to call home.
EvE is all about combat. Human nature is all about living peacefully. There will be a natural collision. If EvE had a mix catering for both, EvE would be the perfect place. But it doesn’t and it won’t.
EvE is EvE. A place of colossal stress, jamjar combat and a place of loss. Academically opposing to my nature.
If EvE had a PvE server, then I’d delete every other game off my HDDs. It doesn’t and as such my love and desire to play EVE remains very high, but the stress of a PvP only game builds too big a wall for me.
Honest and truthful. EvE is not the game for me, even though I do have a passive love for the game, and a desperate longing for it to be a game I would love.
(a once dedicated fan)
Which one would that be? It isn’t EVE, that’s for sure.
Say what now? Human nature is about living peacefully together? Wow, give me some of whatever you’ve been smoking. Must be insanely strong stuff to ■■■■ you up like that.
If you’d understand how EVE works, you wouldn’t ask for things like a PvE server. Or if you’d understand human nature. Or the world around you.
Pal, seriously, you’ve got bigger problems than not liking EVE.
That is in the top5 of the dumbest thing’s i’ve ever read. You have no ■■■■■■■ clue why people live in peace. You have no ■■■■■■■ clue how societies work. You have no ■■■■■■■ clue what it is that actually allows you to actually express this nonsense, and NO, it is NOT because humans are peaceful! if humans were peaceful, we would not live how we live today! We live how we live, because we are being protected by governments who threaten wrongdoers with violence!
Humans are a violent bunch, but they’re also smart! Peaceful people get wrecked by those who know better, and if it wasn’t for governments “protecting” everyone, we’d still have natural selection, which would mean that a good part of the people on this forum wouldn’t be alive anymore!
Please spare us your opinions about things you have zero understanding of. i am not willing to follow you to correct the nonsense you spread.
Thank you and have a nice day anyway.
Your ASSumption that culture is not a part of natural selection is funny, seriously. Human who strive to live peacefully easily mop the floor with human who strive for violence. Why do you think that there’s a governemnt with the monopoly of violence? Because some want to enjoy all violence for themselves, or because most people will rather live peacefully and are glad to let others do the dirty job of dealing with violence?
Violence is costly. Peace is proficent. You don’t effin survive for long if you waste energy in costly stuff rather than be proficent in your energy mangement. This is why most humans strive for peace and only resort to violence when they’re genetically deffective, mentally insane or desperate about trying to live peacefully.
Violence is the exception, not the rule, and by a good margin.
A different tale is that our brain is poorly built and we meet cultural threats with literally the same brain part and mechanics as physical threats. Which explains why you are so virulent about your opinions.
Garðarr Svavarsson said the same thing about Iceland around 860.
Not sure how to use the quote thing in this new site!
-Human nature is all about living peacefully-
That is in the top5 of the dumbest thing’s i’ve ever read.
Is it really though?
I’m currently in the office, but upon getting home, i find my family piled on top of each other in the kitchen, blood running across the floor into the adjacent rooms…
That’s not the aspiration of society that I reflect upon as being dumb. If I found that getting home, i’m likely to put a bullet into my own skull than go on living with that scene in my head.
But that is what life is like in EvE. You got to bed, wake up, go to work, come home… and find all your stuff piled high bleeding out, because someone does one to you and your stuff whilst you’re busy doing life things.
It’s the way it is. It’s not going to change, and as much as my idealism waddles idly on the wayside, one still has a dream about playing the EvE universe in a more peaceful way.
Meh, and I’m going to win the Euro Millions tonight.
Quoting works by marking text. A grey block, “Quote”, should appear. Clicking it will create/paste it into the edit field.
Ahhhhh! that’s how it works!! Fab.
You’re a star, thanks for the hint
Your post is funny.
Society works, because people usually aren’t stupid enough to not follow the rules, as it threatens survival.
Anarchy is a great example. Living in Anarchy is extremely dangerous for individuals, but works great for communities. After theweakest and dumbest have been killed off, people start flocling together, because they know that living together, sharing work and protection, is beneficial for survivability.
A vigilante society, where there is no oppressing entity having the monopoly on violence, is a society where everyone knows that crossing the line/hurting others/trying going on a killing spree/etc will result in instant death sooner rather than later.
A peaceful society is an illusion, because this peace can only be maintained by making sure that everyone understands that killing your family will have serious consequences. these consequences are violence. in the history of humanity this has always been the case.
your example, re “dead family” is completely off the mark, it stems from your misunderstanding of how things work, which makes you believe your actually extreme example is valid. it’s not. if there was no government “protecting” you, then the community would have found other ways of making sure that everyone respects everyone else and that no one harms the other for no good reason, or out of desire for revenge, or whatever.
That’s a big part, actually. In such societies people respect each other more, because they know that behaving like a stupid bitch will get them a sincere smack in the face.
Maybe you learned something. Please don’t let your romantic view of the world cloud you from the reality of the situation you’re living in.
You’re welcome.
Yes there is, there’s sh*t loads wrong with it. Don’t be so naive as to assume a lot of players make for a decent game, it is not as simple as that.
Yes there is, unless you didn’t bother to find a place to call home and make it your home. If you didn’t actually find a home and make it yours it’s hardly the game’s fault. I moved into my own wormhole early on, it still feels like home today.
Maybe you should have a think about why a video game has such power over your emotions.
If EvE had a PvE server nothing would be worth anything in the market because hardly anything would ever get destroyed. People would just build up huge piles of ore and modules and never be able to do anything with them because everyone else is busy also grinding for nothing.
Money. Of course. Next question child?
This new site is pretty cool - i didn’t close the browser and got several popups telling me to reply!
All passion and blood-lust aside, anyone could admit that even if EvE could be translated to PvE based game, that it’ll still be 1000x better than stuff out there that’s pretending to be a space game of sorts! I dare say with some clever coding, EvE could be an offline game or co-op quite easily. There are clever market emulators out there that could dynamically take care of anything market in eve. The market isn’t an issue. Even be easy enough to have bots roaming, and provide more challenging encounters out in the voids / increasingly low sec areas. So the game play, or feel of the game will never be at risk.
What would be at risk is the game itself. If folks could play EvE, at their own pace, on private servers with a central economy driven by clever sims behind the scenes, then ofc most like minded players would go there leaving the main game, pvp game devoid of meat for the carnivores to chew on.
I mean, ofc, I know that’ll wreck the EvE game as everyone knows it, which is why it’s impossible or will never happen. I’m not even saying it’s likely. But what I am saying is that they could do it if they wanted to, and, i know they’d sell a lot of it, and it would be an awesome game to.
So with all that, the real topic of the thread. Eve is dying? What nonsence. EvE will never die for all the reasons out there. Even if CCP decided to close the online aspect, if the playerbase dwindled… which looks doubtful also… that EvE and it’s full glory could be a super offline / private server game to.
EvE is a great game at heart. The graphics, the thought out ships / design, how resources are handled and everything else. So please, i’m not knocking it, nor calling anyone wrong. I just have my own snowflake ideals.
PS; if it amuses people, i’m also campaigning for a PvE server in Elite Dangerous to! The force is weak with this one!
Humans are dumb as ■■■■. A subset of humanity may be smart as compared to other species on this planet, but in the grander picture they’re still dumb as ■■■■. And humanity as a whole isn’t even smarter than the so-called animals it distances itself from.
Humans are dumb and humanities incredible arrogance and self-important ego is a gigantic roadblock on the way to become a intelligent species. One that, if you ask me, humanity won’t ever overcome, because it will have killed itself with its stupidity and arrogance long before it gets the chance.
Money is not everything.
No, yes, what i meant is that humans, in general, are smart enough to not kill themselves. politicians deciding to go to war, and people who are brainwashed and raised into being stupid idiots fighting for old men who should be hanged on the streets don’t count for humanity in general.
humans are smart, when it comes to survival. exceptions are those who are bred into living in wealth, cities, without the need to think for themselves and about their survival. money, sure, replaced the need to hunt for food, but it’s actually regress, not progress. can’t survive eating coins and paper. vOv
humanity in general, compared to people like urbans in the US, who… well… they’ll die without big bro. seriously, the idea that humans are dumb is actually restricted to western societies, mostly, because these people are being bred into stupidity for decades now. no more values, no tradition, decadence, overly inflated sense of individuality. vOv
Not really, Eve without human opposition would be a lifeless, boring waste of time.
What’s the point in eliminitating human opposition first and then emulating it again? Subsituting something with something else that should do the same, just not as good and at higher cost, is stupid.
You mean: “Are mostly smart enough to not kill themselves directly.” We do a lot of self destructing, reckless ■■■■ every day on many different levels.
In major decline? Yes. Dying? No. A game is only dying once it’s no longer making enough cash to support itself. (Or is announced to be closing down.) Eve has remarkably survived several events that would have outright killed 99% of other mmos, so never assume eve is dying till someone in charge says so.