Eve Market Watch - Notifications for the lazy importer

Hello friends!


This tool’s purpose is to make you aware when market stocks run out. It is therefore perfect for the lazy importer who lists and forgets their market orders.

Eve Market Watch allows you to define stock thresholds for items and markets. It will then notify you if that item’s stock for the selected market drops below the threshold. Notifications are currently done via ingame mail. Discord/Slack integrations are on the todo list.

The source code is available at https://github.com/rihanshazih/market-watch-backend and https://github.com/rihanshazih/market-watch-frontend.

Let me know what you think!

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May I put a “Dunk Dinkle approved” badge on it?

I do structure market seeding myself, and I really like the feature to save Evepraisal link to store individual item-threshold DB. That’s a genius touch.

I’d like to chip in and share my little spreadsheet with everyone who uses OP’s service;

This is a part of the GSheet workbook I’ve been using for 2+ yrs seeding a HS market -
This sheet is equivalent to the custom evepraisal link you’d save in OP’s webservice. Basically it lists all tradable items; typeID, typeName, groupName, categoryName, marketGroupName, parentGroupName, and unitVolume.

Just change the thresholdQty column as you see fit (i recommend using filters), copy paste the typeName and thresholdQty columns to evepraisal, then store the link in OP’s Eve Market Watch service.

Hope this helps ppl compiling their individual seeding list.

Generally I seed K * (thresholdQty - volAvailableMarket) where K > 1. Otherwise the item pops up for attention as soon as 1 unit gets sold (i.e: market volume drops below the threshold)

Thanks for sharing this! I will look into it, and maybe feature/incorporate it.

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