Not sure if this has been asked already, but nothing show up for it.
I’ve been checking the last few days and the prices seem not to be current.
anyone know whats going on?
Not sure if this has been asked already, but nothing show up for it.
I’ve been checking the last few days and the prices seem not to be current.
anyone know whats going on?
I find EVE-Marketdata very very slow when fetching prices. Try instead, fast and accurate so far…
Ill give it a go. Thanks.
I’m a fan of
I may be a touch biased.
Depends on what offers the best upto date information, ive found some that are fast, but are missing newer items for their information.
Did find eve-marketdata good, even though slow. But lately its last price check is days old. Which is sad.
Will check your suggested one out. Thanks.
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