Hello fellow EVE players. In light of @Aura_Asuna winning EVE and being unreachable for further EVE-O Preview updates, myself and Devilen have taken upon ourselves to fork the latest EVE-O build of v6.0.0.3 and brought Linux campatibility in line with what is available for windows.
Out of respect I want to throw a big shout out to @Aura_Asuna and @Phrynohyas_Tig-Rah for their work on maintaining EVE-O Preview to this point. It really is a special tool that many people enjoy and I hope Devilen and myself can meet the expectations of the EVE community with this 3rd Party App.
We have submitted the code to Microsoft and have gotten clean reports from them. These are false positives and can be safely ignored. You can find more info on the git about the report from Microsoft.
We are also in the process of obtaining a signing cert for the app, so this issue will no longer crop its ugly head.
Ive come to rely on the “minimize inactive clients” feature when gaming on my laptop. it greatly reduces load and temperature on my laptop.
id really like that feature to work with dual screens too. As it is, when its active, if i click on one monitor, the other monitor minimizes. Id like each screen to have the background accounts minimized, but still have 1 active account on each screen.
Would be against EULA since it would give you the advantage to see a different client information without actually focus that client. (as example, you would be able to see your ship shield level, cap or if you get focused.
I’m having an new issue today where, when I move my screen with preview active, it causes delay, or screen tears, and I see an old view of what was previously in that position. Is this a known bug?
The notable feature adds are as follows. To view the full release details click the link above.
Linux Steam Support
EVE-O can now preview any application in your task manager. This mean you can use it for other games or applications. This is a beta feature.
Customizable preview labels.
You can now hotkey cycle your characters at the login screen.
Added 3 more cycle groups.
Lutris - All required DLL’s are self contained and are unpacked at launch, so it is no longer required to install .NET dependencies into your prefix.
We are now using Github Action to build the application. This allows us to unify the Window and Linux builds and send out bug fixes and feature requests out quicker.
Scroll to the bottom and under “Assets” you will see Windows and Linux download options.
Make sure to extract it into its own folder (on desktop or top of hard drive hierarchy) and not in Program Files or documents / other pre-made Windows folders.