EVE Online Forum Posting TLDR Simulation Guide

I think we’re going off topic now. Did anyone even read the OP? I didn’t.


I think you’re supposed to lock it now, according to the flowchart.

Needed more punctuation.

In before the lock! looooool zkill

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Obligatory CSM involvement saying nothing

nothing at all



If the aim of the original post was to emulate the posting style of the highlighted types of posts, then the only punctuation missing is: !!!

eta: forum software automatically truncates the exclamation points to three. Oh come on discourse !!1!!1!! :wink:

Vague but nebulous statement about rules, indicating slight boredom and annoyance.


Just like your list when you close threads :crazy_face:

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I say the same for democracy. CCP should have shut out the Dunning-Kruger proles long ago. Most people are not qualified to have a say or influence anything beyond wiping their own butts.

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This should be fixed.

I’m no alt.

Unlike you, I’m a freelance main and owe no fealty to anybody…

I highly doubt that, this thread is nothing more than a troll post intended to elicit a negative response from certain players.

Yeah right, claim this troll thread as light hearted fun… just as long as you or your pets aren’t the brunt of the sarcastic innuendo’s then it’s all right to post…

Yes it confirms ISD bias, it also demonstrates prejudice and the preferential treatment they do for specific posters.

Especially when they tag the OP of the thread with this:

Thanks, but we’ve already reviewed that post and determined it does not need to be flagged again.

Thanks for sharing your self portrait and for giving everybody a sneak peek into your daily existence.

See? You’re getting slightly better at this. There’s still hope!


Data Laughing



and so on


@ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode @Mike_Azariah useless i tell ya, useless…

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garrrrr bias hathathat zkill ISD summer of rage?

Btw, I liked your separating lines. Made you post look nice.

When the cats away the mouse will play!

Wish I could say the same about your reply…

Not really.

As for the issue of bias and prejudice, time to rally the troops and start submitting complaints again…

Man, who hurt you?

Just take the compliment, no need to lash out about it.

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