EVE Online Writing Prompts

Been mulling over this for some time, partly also because I get stuck a lot what to write about.

Do you have ideas about some stories you would like to see in the setting of EVE, but think you don’t have the writing chops, or don’t have the time, or have some other issue that prevents you from writing such a story yourself? Well, drop your ideas here, and if you’re lucky, someone might pick it up.

So, down to basics, what is a writing prompt? It is usually about 1-3 sentences that introduce an outline for a story.

For example at its simplest it could be something like:

“His ship had emergency power left only for 3 days.”

Usually though, a bit more elaborate like;

“His ship had emergency power left only for 3 days, but because of the fire, he only had a few hours worth of breathable air left.”

A quite detailed prompt would be something like:

"His ship had emergency power left only for 3 days, but because of the fire, he only had a few hours worth of breathable air left. He had turned on the ships emergency beacon, but who knows who or what would respond to it out here. "

What I wrote up there are narrative writing prompts, but a writing prompt could also be something like just asking a question, e.g.

“What happens when a man falls in love with a Fedo?”

So, what are you waiting for? Throw some ideas here, no matter how ridiculous it might seem.


Disenfranchised homeless man is approached by an agent of Sansha’s Nation to be a saboteur in prepeoration for an incursion.

An idea I had that never saw the light of day is the idea I had for a scene of this worn down and bitter man whose living out front of a Fedmart living off the curiosity of the far more well off people that walk in and out of the store.

I would itnroduce a second character who walk up and show symalthy and have our man go off on a tirade about how his life fell to ■■■■, how Fedmart ironically enough was the thing that ran his livelihood out of business and throw in prejudice against the intaki to get across hoe fsr gone our vagrant is.

The agent would slowly take the mask off and talk him into what Nation could provide him where the Fedestion couldnt. Eventually building up to ask him about him still being a Fedetal ctizien.

Yeah… He is still.

Alright… That means he can access the wmergency shlters around the cololny with no delay. He can get inside… He could do something to sabotage it. Opening it wide up.

The Twist

The twist would be that even after the pitch and after the vagrant goes off about how ■■■■ everything is. He rejects and turns down the offer. Sering it for the maniupaltion it is and wishing to maintain what dignity he has left.

The agent would then proceed to hit him with nanites and just remove choice from the matter all together

End scene.

Always rolled the idea around in my head but mever could figure out how i could portray this coherently enough in my writing style.

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