EVE Planetary Planner


For the transparency, there you can change it in the settings tab.

To move the window, just grab the icon in the top left corner and move it where you want. When you close the tool it will remember its last position. Only for the main window, sub windows positions are not kept. But its true that I could add support for that. I’ll think about it.

Higher contrast colors? hum… I’ll would have to look into it. Is there a color palette in particular that is better for you? That would provide a good direction for the type of colors I would have to use.

8.2.2 is available.

Updated data for POS Fuel

Added support for multiline description. Ex: POS Fuel requires product from ice, so in the description it says what type of ice it can be extracted from.

Improved Images Resources version handling

I think we should stop calling this a Beta now since it has most of the features I want in and the older version is not available anymore anyway.

So welcome to Release 8.3

  • Fixed potential exception when user clicks on Reverse Lookup after first start of the application
  • Improved error handling on many user input for numeral values (ex: extractor output)
  • Fixed Spaceport and Storage functionality. The ± button now work. Also added Edit.
  • Added an option on the Tools tab to disable the Overlay (the thin lines that make the UI more SciFi-ish). That should help people who have difficulties with eyesight.

Version 8.3.1 is available.

  • Fixed an issue parsing cache for planets

+1 for using WPF but some of the design decisions are horrible.

  • Get rid of transparency it just adds clutter to the UI making it hard to interpret the information. The overall style is good just a bit of gray color polishing to avoid too much blackness and it will be realy nice.
  • Make title bar draggable! Forcing people to drag window by a small circle is a crime!
  • Where’s the minimize button? Srsly

Also it took me a while to find out what do I need to produce a T3 mat. I suggest you to upgrade Plan window with the vital information about the required planet types and possibly prices so you don’t have to click every comonent and roam inside the numerous info tabs.

After trying to set up a colony for half an hour, fighting the completely unintuitive interface and numerous silent app crashes, I must admit that it is not usable in its current state, sorry. I really wanted to find some nice PI planner but this tool isn not the app I expected to see.

I admit the amount of work required to implement something like this but UI still require significant improvements to make it usable.

Thank you @Captain_Panther for your feedback.

The transparency can be controlled from the ‘Tools’ tab.
I am guessing the options is not visible enough in the middle of the clutter.

Your feedback on the dragging problem is valuable.
Nobody mentioned it before.
I’ll see what I can do.

I can add a minimize button.
Until now I never need it because I simply keep it open in the background or on a second monitor.
Once again, nobody ever reported this as an issue.

The ‘Planets Plan’ is using similar design/icons to in-game PI.
I would have thought that anyone familiar enough with PI could recognize the elements quickly.
Since I was wrong, I’ll see what I can do to improve that.

The required planets type should be visible on the tab ‘Requires’ in a separate popup named ‘Product Data’.
If the popup is not visible, you can open it by going on the ‘Production Plan’ tab, select the ‘Product Level’ and product you want, then click on the product you want in the tree.
That popup also contains the prices, if you refreshed the cache (on the ‘Tools’ tab).

I do understand that the design might not be to everyone’s taste.
But remember that I made this tool for my own usage first.
So it answers to my own needs/wants first.
Still, I listen to feedback and modify/implement things if I deem them reasonable.

I also do understand that the tool severely lacks a ‘How To’.
I hope to be able to make one at some point.
I even started support for ‘F1’ help on some controls.

As for the numerous silent crashes, I would appreciate it if you could describe what you were doing when it happened.
There has not been many reports of silent crashes lately. The last one was caused by the actual EVE client Cache returning inconsistent data for the Planets ID (which my tool now handles since version 8.3.1).
So I am guessing you are doing something different from everybody else and I would appreciate some insight as to what it is in order to find and fix the bugs for everybody else.

Also, are you aware that you can directly import your colonies using the API?

All of this are things that requires a lot of time and dedication to do.
Both things I do not have much because I have a real-full-time job, and 2 young children that do not like it much when their daddy tells them that he has to work on a tool for other people that will not pay for the house, clothes, food…

Once again, thank you for your valuable feedback.
I will see what I can change/fix as soon as possible.

Version 8.4 is now available

Overhauled the API authentication process.
Took a bit of work but now the link opens in an external browser

So you can stop worrying about me trying to steal your info. :sunglasses:

Newly added Command Center - just left click on the grid control and the app will close.
Basicly I created a planet, pressed circle button, pressed chip icon and clicked on the table.

Thank you @Captain_Panther, it looks like I missed adding a button to the Command Center when I reworked the Storage buildings.

Version 8.4.1 is now available

  • Added a missing button on the Command Center UI

Version 8.4.2 is now available:

  • Fixed an issue connecting to the webservice

Version 8.4.3 is now available.

Fixed an issue connecting to the webservice (better this time)

from API when I simply click it

App close by itself when it reach 124/124

Hi @Lady_Zee,
Thanks for the report and screenshots.

I just released version 8.4.4

  • Regenerated the webservice reference completely.
  • Added some error catching to get more details when refreshing the prices fails

Can you try the API again?
Because for some reason I cannot reproduce either errors on my side.
If the price refreshes fails again, the application should not close itself anymore and should show you a detailed error message.
I would be grateful if you could post it if it happens again.

Thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:

Not a good news.
I had to wipe the Market history data because the database just reached its max size (500MB).
I have modified my gathering tool to clean up data older than 9 months automatically from now on, which should reach a bit under 500MB.
At the moment I cannot afford to pay for a bigger database which would allow me to keep more data.
In the future if I can, I will.

I am still around.
Actually just went back to Omega.
And been taking a look at PI again.
Even made a couple of fixes and improvements to the tool.
I got am idea for a simplification of some parts that I am working on.
So either I will make a small release for the fixes/minor improvements soon, or just complete the big change first.
I am trying to come up with an estimate of the time needed to implement the big one.

Here is a quick list of what I have done so far (but not released yet)

  • Suggester planets list now shows planet type in the name. Ex: Jita I (Barren)
  • Added support to Enable/Disable the top news
  • Transparent background default to not transparent
  • Fixed a potential exception when getting the type of planets to port
  • Made the whole title bar draggable instead of just the icon
  • Fixed an issue with drag scrolling the production plan

I still have a few minor quality of life improvements I would like to get in.

As for the API support, the big change I am working on might actually make it obsolete. Still not sure on that one.
So if the API support stays in the end, I will fix it.

Also I have stopped supporting the market history and might actually remove it.
The database grew too big too quickly and I cannot pay for a bigger server.
Also I had to let my own personal computer run during the day to gather the data, and that messed up my SSD drives.
I might put back the feature later on if people find it useful, but so far I haven’t got any positive (or negative) feedback on it.
Probably nobody was actually using it. :smile:

Version 8.5 is out.
On top of all I said in my previous post, I also fixed a bug when trying to add a Space Route (thanks to Arcturus Aquila for his help in reproducing the issue)

Version 8.5.1 is out
Fixed another bug related to adding Space routes.
Thanks again to Arcturus Aquila for his help in finding this bug.

Version 8.5.2 is out.
Fixed an issue with the Space Route popup not showing the list of ‘To’ planets

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Version 6.5.3 is out.
Fixed an issue with the Routes not displaying their quantity.