Eve Revenant

:popcorn: :ninja: :skull: :ok_hand:

Not -entirely-. After all… The Other that had melded with Jamyl Sarum was essentially born of the construct from which the Drifter’s emerged. The Jovian Observatories where they center around (still), the same that decloaked during the Caroline Star incident. They have always been watching.

Now… the curious thing… Why are there suddenly new emerging rumors and talks of the “late” Hilen Tukoss?

“Scripted” is assuming those involved in the event will follow whatever intended outcome there may or may not already be planned for.

But sometimes things have a way of… -NOT- exactly going according to plan.
:eyes: :popcorn: :smiling_imp:

Are you sure about that? Granted this ‘event’ occurred many years ago when in game EVENT’s were a bit more hands on… But scripted events have a funny way of… going sideways.

(no, this is not a fanfic. Yes, this is what actually happened that day)

Considering the massive impact the Invasion had on the landscape of trade routes that still have an affect today… Isn’t this a bit of a misleading statement? Considering the actions and campaigns that determines which systems were yanked out of place to form Pochven, It was very much a coordinated effort of Triglavian Roleplayers and Edencom Roleplayers that determined the final lay of the land.

While I was on hiatus from the game during the Trig invasions, the actions of the players involved (some of which I knew) had a very significant impact, and still do.

cough AnsiblexNerf cough hack

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