Eve Revenant

Superquick first impressions

Great ! We get new ships with covops cloaks
Great ! We get a new weapon system
Great ! We get new sites
Great ! Now “real men can hull tank” again (although hull rep mods are not in a good place, lol)

Boo ! Another UI disaster for Show Info on ship hulls !!!

P.S. A list with known bugs will be published before release (sry, had to say this)


Never seen the art team fumble before, but these new ship designs… this is the fabled Jovian tech the Deathless unlocked? The ability to Play-Doh smash Caldari and Minmatar hulls together?

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I got the same idea as you a few minutes apart.
Looks like I may have to come up with more original threads in the future.

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Yes, the ship design leaves lots to be desired for someone sitting in the Fulcrum and having access to Jove, Angel and Guristas tech.

That new weapon sounds like a smartbomb on steroids.

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I wonder if the Revenant expansion will include collectable loot tables. :thinking:


:smirk: :blush: :popcorn:


Sounds like it’s inspired by the Zarzakh hull damage mechanism, goes with the cloaky ships that infiltrate on a combat grid, release their charge and try to gtfo. Should be fun for (former) sb pilots. Sounds great to me anyway.

They could just as well have introduced a new bomb type for existing stealth bombers, based on that same damage mechanism :thinking:
ccplease ? :blush:


I can’t wait for 12 November and engage with the new content. Probably not getting one of the new ships but I got a lot of them already. I want to go against Drifters though. That should be fun.

Cloaky is Love.
Cloaky is Life.

Orrrrr… Maybe a destroyer sized new covert ship that’s (kinda) like a Heavy Stealth Bomber?
:shushing_face: :grin: :thinking:

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I’m happy that more Capsuleers in the future will be having a chance to see what our long service Capsuleers had seen before.

It is not a tall order, it is the right choice to release such data to at least offer a teaser to New Capsuleers that provides more incentives to stay longer.


I want to gamemechanically assist the Drifters. Where can I sign up?

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Can’t wait for a damage-over-time weapon that “kills the target from inside”. If it works like the Zarzakh Damage Zone with percentage-based structure damage, no matter how hard you are tanked, that sounds pretty much … like we need Remote-Hull-Repair-Logis next. -_-


That would require remote hull reps to be remotely (haha) useful.


That sounds fun too but can capsuleers even do that?

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If CCP wanted it, it would be possible, but this “fight against the Drifters” is already decided by CCP’s script writing, taking away all the fun options.

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Maybe the drifters will invade Uedama by accident (CCP Quality Coding). :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:


Maybe there’s a good reason for them not wanting that.

Can’t say it isn’t scripted when EVE is a video game but I don’t feel that a scripted event is devoid of fun. I think the PvE part of EVE is fun.
This expansion ads more stuff and possibilities which translates into more engaging content.

Scripted as in unchangably predetermined and players have 0 agency to change something. HAve you been part of the Trig Invasions? That was no fun, it was a mindless, ridiculous grind with no way to change the outcome.


Probably because CCP wants to have the final say in what happens in the world of New Eden and they don’t want a Null group dictating yet another aspect of the game.

That was a bit before my time but I did read about the Traglivian invasion mainly because it cut a major route from Amarr to Caldari.
I didn’t expect CCP to have given the players full autonomy there either.
I mean I understand where you’re coming from but sometimes we have to come to the conclusion that EVE is a game and that CCP is in charge.

:popcorn: :ninja: :skull: :ok_hand:

Not -entirely-. After all… The Other that had melded with Jamyl Sarum was essentially born of the construct from which the Drifter’s emerged. The Jovian Observatories where they center around (still), the same that decloaked during the Caroline Star incident. They have always been watching.

Now… the curious thing… Why are there suddenly new emerging rumors and talks of the “late” Hilen Tukoss?

“Scripted” is assuming those involved in the event will follow whatever intended outcome there may or may not already be planned for.

But sometimes things have a way of… -NOT- exactly going according to plan.
:eyes: :popcorn: :smiling_imp:

Are you sure about that? Granted this ‘event’ occurred many years ago when in game EVENT’s were a bit more hands on… But scripted events have a funny way of… going sideways.

(no, this is not a fanfic. Yes, this is what actually happened that day)

Considering the massive impact the Invasion had on the landscape of trade routes that still have an affect today… Isn’t this a bit of a misleading statement? Considering the actions and campaigns that determines which systems were yanked out of place to form Pochven, It was very much a coordinated effort of Triglavian Roleplayers and Edencom Roleplayers that determined the final lay of the land.

While I was on hiatus from the game during the Trig invasions, the actions of the players involved (some of which I knew) had a very significant impact, and still do.

cough AnsiblexNerf cough hack

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Did the Ansiblex nerf happen during the Traglivian invasion at the request of a Null group?