EVE University Career Fair: Come Promote Your Corporation

:loudspeaker: EVE University Career Fair – Calling All Corps! :rocket:

EVE University is hosting a Career Fair in March, and we’d love to feature your corporation! This event is designed to introduce students to the wide range of opportunities available across New Eden, helping them find their next home after graduation. Not treating EVE University as a permanent retirement home but simply as an initial stepping stone to venture further into the wider world of EVE is a big priority for this new Directorate, and we want to strongly encourage members to spread their wings and fly out to other corps once they’ve grasped the initial basics of EVE.

:small_blue_diamond: What is the Career Fair? A recruitment showcase where corps can present what they offer, what gameplay they partakein, answer questions, and engage with eager pilots looking for their next adventure.
:small_blue_diamond: Why participate? We have over 2,400 members in our Discord, and we are actively encouraging Unistas to graduate and find new homes. This is a prime opportunity to connect with fresh talent!

:date: Event Details:

Dates: Saturday, March 22nd & Sunday, March 23rd from 18:00 to 19:30 EVE Time (potential third session on March 30th if needed)
Time: Each corp gets up to 10 minutes, including optional Q&A
Where: EVE University Discord Lecture Hall channel
Streaming: The event will be live on Twitch and later uploaded to YouTube

:bullseye: Presenter Requirements:

Discord Authentication: Presenters must auth into our Discord in advance to ensure smooth access
Work-fair Post: Strongly recommended you make a recruitment post on our public #work-fair channel to offer more info about your corporation (before your session is ideal, but after is okay)
Recording & Streaming Permission: If any corp strongly prefers not to be recorded, we can arrange a live-only session or cut you out of the recording

:hourglass_not_done: Slots are limited and will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis! Max 8 corps per day (~90 min per session all corps total, including EVE Uni intro and outro).

:link: Interested? Reply here or DM me on Discord (“amfion”) with more info about your corporation and we can look to reserve a spot! Looking forward to showcasing the best corps in EVE!

Professor Amfion
Director of Communications & Outreach, EVE University


Nice idea!

Reply here or DM me on Discord (“amfion”) with more info about your corporation and we can look to reserve a spot! Looking forward to showcasing the best corps in EVE!

Hey, sign us up! I always liked Eve Uni’s mission (and wiki). When our corporation is approached by newbros, we typically refer them to Eve Uni first, so it would be great to receive some graduates one day!

If you’d like more info about us, here is our official recruitment post: Militant Industrialists

I can get in touch on Discord if you have any questions, thanks for putting something like this together.

What an awesome initiative - and a great opportunity for any corp! We love watching the matriculation of EVE University alums through various areas of space. Can’t wait to see how this works.

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Hello, We at Blood Alcohol Content would like to participate and provide new grads an opportunity to get into Wormhole space in a pvp focused environment that prides itself on being “Buisness Casual”