Now it’s just a matter of the add-in not communicating reliably. At the moment it’s responsive, but I’ll keep monitoring.
Hmmmmmm. Did an orderly save and shutdown of the sheet and Excel last night only to reopen the file today and find that the corruption had returned. Had to do the Find/Replace all over again to recover it.
Very strange, I’ll make some notes on this and try to get a coherent ticket to the addin team at microsoft to report on the failure to properly link the addin.
At least it’s good that it’s consistent so you can do a replace all. But understandably frustrating.
You can send me a copy via Discord (username: Hundasupa, I’m also always posting in #spreadsheets on the eve discord) I’d try inspecting the excel workbook metadata and compare it to my own sheets so I can maybe spot why it does this, maybe.