I know this is slightly off-topic but my eyes go funny trying to navigate the forum sections list.
Where can i check my evemail these days?
The Eve app says connection error on Android.
I havent played the game properly in a few years and eve-gate no longer works.
And just to add, this new forum looks horrible, why’s it all so grey?
Thanks, that’s great.
3rd party app? Can’t say I’m suprised
Since EVEgate was closed down CCP haven’t deployed a substitute so only third party solutions exists right now for out of game EVEmail.
I only use this one so no idea what the others are but this works flawlessly for me and is a lightweight one though I only really read mails with it and always reply to mails in-game (for one reason due to the color coding and linking in-game stuff and so on) so not sure if the others are better or different or even exist but I recall seeing other third party solutions being posted as well but didn’t take notes so can’t link them.
Mine actually does color coding
The links don’t work though, no.
I meant I like the in-game interface better for color coding and linking stuff.
Edit: To better explain the in-game editor is a WYSIWYG editor and the mail will look exactly the same at the receiver’s end as I write it, while the web version does not due to the different font and whatnot.