Event Design and Siege of Zarzakh/Crimson Harvest

Agree with Kezrai. The first couple Crimson Harvest events were a more moderate difficulty & therefore more broadly accessible to players of different skill levels. Subsequent event experiments either alternated with event combat sites of higher difficulty (Drifters) or would offer two tiers. For the last few Events, combat sites are on the harder side, and only a non-combat track (data sites) are offered for players who can’t or don’t want to handle tougher combat sites.

Another issue I’d like to re-register is an obnoxious click-to-claim process, on the points reward track. I heard a rumor a couple years ago that it might become automatic again, but the “don’t change any working code” bean counters seem to be winning.

Why this is bad: comment 1, Comment 2

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