Event Horizon - The corp you WANT to be part of!

Hello and welcome to Event Horizon

Who are we?
Event Horizon are a corporation based in nullsec with a focus on industry but also dip our toes into PvP & PvE excursions on a regular basis. We are a member of The Commonwealth alliance who also offer a large amount of various fleets and other activities. Being a member of Event Horizons is a really great place to be!

Why choose us?
We are a friendly bunch looking for some more friendly and willing pilots to join our ranks and evolve with us. We strive to achieve greatness. If that sounds like you, get in touch!

What are our requirements?
We are a newbro friendly corp but we do have a few small requirements in order to join up with us. Those are as per below:

  1. You must have a minimum of 1.5m skill points to join
  2. You just have a basic understanding of the game

As a corp we offer many things to assist our new members such as:

  • Ship handouts to help new members settle into our home system
  • Buyback scheme
  • Mining fleets with boosts
  • Gas huffing fleets with boosts
  • PvP roams with supplied ships
  • Regional markets
  • Delivery services(hosted by alliance)
  • Much much more!

If you like what you’re reading, pop into our discord and chat with us some more!

word :egg:

Recruitment still open. Don’t be shy, come and say hi!


We have members in both EUTZ and USTZ so we can offer support to most people who are looking for a new home

Recruitment still open!!

Recruitment still open :slight_smile:

Recruiting keen pilots! Come and see what Eve has to offer by joining Event Horizon today!

Recruitment still open!

When I type Event Horizon in the search box I get 95 results. Which one should I look over?

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