Evolving EVE: A Universal Income

So your complaining about things you imagine you would notice if you were actually playing

Making claims and not backing them up isnt a difference of opinion, its ignorance.


If you arent willing to back it up, why bring it up, or do you enjoy trying to “harvest tears” on the forums.

It’s not a discussion when you are lying on purpose.
It’s just you insulting people, making general statement from your limited experience, claiming facts without any backing of them, making up arbitrary numbers, so in short being a toxic troll.

Learn the difference.

You are not explaining your opinion, you are claiming stupid nonsenses like “ganking someone is harassment” and “people who don’t agree with me are incestuous”. At this level it IS ignorance and stupidity. When you say claiming that 1+1=3 there is discussion, it’s a proof there are some issues in how your brain was wired.

You want to look right even when you are wrong. You are not discussing, you are insulting people who play a game a different way than yours and are spreading rumors on they parental link with they brother/sister. That is NOT discussion.

I’ve read about it. Those “many places” (2 or 3 places) are in wealthy, small nations, with educated population and very high employment rate. It serves the same purpose as unemployment money (with less bureaucracy) or a little extra bonus for people who don’t really need it. The same article also stated that it would be better to direct those funds to those who need it (just like normal kid/ unemployment/ disability support works) rather than give everyone a flat sum.

I am always confused by your certitude. How can you even know what any of them are motivated by aiming for, let alone all of them? Any how are you so sure you are right, about everything it seems?

I mean, CCP built a game with piracy as a feature. They spent plenty of effort designing and balancing the criminal mechanics so you can take stuff from other players. It seems perfectly plausible to me that the players who take the role of the villain of the criminal game a just playing a video game as it was intended to be played. At least that is more plausible to me than every single one of them are sadists looking for a causing actual pain to other players, rather than just playing the bad guy in a virtual world.

I guess that can be your opinion and you can declare it with conviction for whatever reason is motivating you, but in other contexts stereotyping a group like that wouldn’t be acceptable. More importantly, it isn’t even believable.

Ah well, I guess it doesn’t matter. It’s just one person’s conception of the universe around them.

As to the OP, it seems since CCP controls the structure of whole economy, they really don’t need something like this to change the day-to-day experience of the space poor. They are already trying to… recalibrate the value of assets at the high-end by making the biggest ships more expensive and less accessible. At the lowest-end there is already a social safety net of free corvettes. They could also tweak things down here to make the poor have easier access to more ships, but I think also given the current trends that would be linked to activity, not just given free like a UI.

Interesting thought experiment though.

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You don’t.

Disagreeing with arguments needs to be done considering those arguments. You just disagree that 1+1=2 without providing anything worth.

It’s not disagreement, it’s ignorance and blindness.

You don’t understand why Eve is the way it is and you pretend to judge it. That’s stupid. That’s donnuts-krushing effect.

No you don’t. You are just trolling.

You are unable to have an opinion on the topic. You don’t understand the premises of Eve being as it is, therefore you are off topic by not understanding the basic concept of Eve.
The concept of HS suicide ganker is mandatory in the way Eve was, and is, designed. The way you disagree with it is just the same way you want to stop the earth from rotating around the sun. It’s just nonsense and troll spamming.

You are just repeating that you want “free energy” and that “people should liberate themselves from restricting concepts as thermodynamics” that are “just theories and can be discarded”. You are too ignorant to realize your own ignorance, and repeating stupidities without the ability to understand how stupid they are when pointed out.

No you can’t. You don’t know the topic, therefore your opinion is not on the topic but on a phantasm you made of the topic.

It was. Being able to suicide kill someone in HS was part of the initial release in 2003 (there was no security). That kind of claim is the demonstration you can’t have an opinion.

since you will ask for sources without being able to google them yourself : https://oldforums.eveonline.com/?a=topic&threadID=43840

There was no discussion to start with. You just spout stupidities and then claim that you are entitled to your opinion. You are not, it’s not opinions you are showing but stupidity.

Also you doubled on the off topic since not only are you not able to understand why Eve has suicide ganking mandatory, but also it’s completely out of the topic and you just came in to rant and pollute the topic which was about “universal income”.

THAT was a lie :

Learn the difference.

You literally came in to rant about how

Because you are arrogantly full of sh¡t.
You are the little child who keeps screaming in the restaurant because he wants some chocolate I SCREAM instead of strawberry, and his father is the king and he will put you in jail ho this is so unjust NAAAHH I WANT CHOCOLAAAAAATE ! And he keeps on and on making a fool of himself.

No you don’t.
To hold an opinion on a topic you need to know that topic.

You claimed that suicide ganking was not in the original design of the game. That claim was sh¡t. It just proves that you spew affirmations that are based on no reality.

This is not an opinion that you are holding. This is your resentment that make you create an illusion image in which you are right. In that image gankers are incestuous. In that image CCP never wanted suicide ganking in HS. In that image ganking is bad for the game. But that image is just illusion, and in reality you are wrong for the sole reason that your affirmations are only based on your wish and never confronted to reality.

This is the definition of “being delusional”, NOT of “having an opinion”. To have an opinion, you NEED to have experience on the topic. Otherwise you are just talking out of your fat ass. Otherwise you are just full of sh¡t.

Besides being completely off topic, which make your intervention an off topic delusional rant. And that is fact, not opinion.

by claiming that suicide ganking was not part of the original release, you proved you don’t.

BS. CCP had created Concord to kill the gankers ships from the beginning, therefore it is predicted behavior - which is the opposite of emergent behavior.

No really, that’s not. You claim things that are factually false, therefore you don’t have an opinion on the topic. You have an opinion on a phantasm of the topic.

You were the only one bringing incest. Stop lying. When asked for sources, you just hide behind more BS.

Unrelated. When you spout nonsense, there is no “let’s agree to disagree”. There is just, “let’s agree that you are full of sh¡t”.

It was expected from the beginning, therefore it is not “emergent”. Emergent behaviors mean that they were not predicted by the devs, that they were created due to specific interactions in some parts the the playerbase that was not thought of. Suicide ganking was designed by the devs.

Get your fact straight.

But you are not, since you are claiming BS things like “ganking is an emergent behavior” while it is not. You knowledge on the topic is lacking, therefore you can’t have an opinion on that topic.

Just like if I said that the soil is green on the moon after having seen green pictures of the moon. Just like a kid unable to realize the limits of his understanding.

My b it was incels, not incest. Still you are the one bringing in personality disorders. It’s the same straight insults because you don’t like their gameplay, be it incest or incels.

Yes. You not only made a general judgement on gankers without any source to back it, but also claimed the factually false “suicide ganking is emergent behavior”.

Criminy…this thread is so derailed…

Gankers, ganking, and related stuff…so unrelated to the OP’s topic…my Gawd Lucas you are such crybaby…

@ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode could we get a cleanup in here please?

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They are.
You just vomit a salad of words without any logic link between them and call that an opinion.
It’s not.

Yeah, I think calling yourself a flat earther is the correct way to present the issue here.

BTW an opinion that is not supported by facts is not an opinion, but a belief. What you are stating without any evidence is not your opinion, but your belief. Since we can’t discuss belief, that’s why people asked you for your evidence since otherwise it’s just plain insults without any part in the discussion.

Now, a belief that go AGAINST the facts, like claiming that “ganking is emergent behavior”, is delusional. Which makes you, full of sh¡t, which is the exact reason I already told you.

No, the statement of gankers having issues is based on your belief that suicide ganking is an issue in the game. Belief that is in total opposition with the reality, in which ganking in HS has been ruled over by Concord since the beginning.

So, for a troll thread that pretty long.

That’s a taste, not an opinion. Try again.

You claiming that suicide ganking is emergent behavior proves you don’t have the knowledge to emit an opinion.
Instead of getting that knowledge, you rather express your delusional belief that gankers are an issue. That beliefs comes only from your resentment towards them, and your inability to learn.

It results in you insulting the gankers and not being on the topic. That’s a very childish attitude.

I don’t. Liking red cars is a matter of taste, not a matter of opinion.

You keep repeating the same nonsense without any argument. That’s spam.

It is not.

It’s not.

And you completely ignore the fact that they are mandatory to the game, to the point the devs added Concord in the very beginning. Which is a fact, but a fact you are ignoring on purpose because it deserves your interest.

Which makes your belief delusional. And you unable to provide an opinion on the topic, thus polluting the topic with insults and off-topic rants.

Merry late christmas, you wadiest of the Yongs. :slight_smile:

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