It’s too many words. Whole thing could/should be consolidated into actual points instead of lots of people posting lots of words with varying substance and meaning. It’s far too easy getting lost in all of this. I personally really struggle, and it shows, because there’s just way too much noise among the little signal. Then I just add noise instead of trying to boil things down to actual signals.
People need lots of words to convince others that it’s a good idea …
… which usually means that it isn’t actually a good idea.
Okay, so you say that there’s the idea that people will benefit, but there’s no need.
Without a need …
… why should they be getting something?
Or are there those who would need?
Then why would they need?
Why wouldn’t others need?
There is room to argue for the group of people who would actually benefit from UBI. In real life that would be people who I’ll now put into the bucket called artists. The creative folks, who would thrive if they could start making a living out of their hobby and who would truly benefit from being paid until they can be self-reliant.
While the creative potential in EVE is quite high, there is no need to pay players so they can “pursue their hobby until it pays them the costs of living and then some”. In EVE there’s no need for this, because capsuleers don’t pay rent, starve or freeze to death.
That fact removes a whole other group of people I put into the bucket “the unfortunate”. EVE doesn’t have that. No one’s so unfortunate that they will struggle in this game unless they’re really too stupid to shoot rats. Please note that one is not “unfortunate” for continuously trying to kill people in lowsec and failing. That just means he needs to improve.
These guys don’t benefit from UBI. They’d benefit from working harder. I understand that some people would believe there is room to argue for these people as well, but that’s not the case. They “just want to shoot others in lowsec”, which isn’t a valid argument. They’re not entitled to it. When they run out of money they have to put effort into making money, so they can keep doing what they want: shooting people in lowsec. They’re free to use their credit cards to buy PLEX for ISK, too.
These people wouldn’t benefit from UBI …
… they’d benefit from learning that they suck at it and either need to improve or find something else.
They have no need for UBI in this regard.
Their need is something else: Training and playerskills or acceptance.
There’s the group who doesn’t manage to cut it making ISK. They won’t benefit from UBI, because they already struggle with the simplest form of interaction with the game. Making ISK. They wouldn’t stay, they wouldn’t last, they lack even the basic requirements. No game company wants those unless they’re specifically the target. That’s not EVE, though, because for those people EVE’s way too complex.
I’ll wait for you to bring up groups of people who would actually need this.
The idea of a general benefit is invalid. There’s no benefit without a need.
If there is a benefit, then the need first needs to be identified.
If there is no need, then it’s not a benefit. Then it’s literally just free money for no reason
and every single word around it is just there to distract from the fact that there’s no actual need for it.
An idea requiring lots of words for convincing usually isn’t a good one. Of course, it’s fair to discuss the idea to come up with actual points, so one can work over it again from there, but without the points and actual structure it’s all just clouds of words without substance.
I know you’re not trying to argue for this. That’s not relevant.
What’s relevant is finding the good points, bad points and - most importantly - the actually irrelevant points.