I would like to get some advise on the Execuctioner for both a small gang tackle and as a potential solo PVP ship. With this fit I have 7m 40s cap. - but I need a 3rd mid slot, didnt go with a web as to short range.
First the fit. I have come up with the fit below. My thinking, in a solo situation was to use it as a kiting frigate.
[Executioner, Executioner]
Damage Control II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Layered Energized Membrane II
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Warp Disruptor II
[Empty Mid slot]
Small Focused Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Microwave S
Small Focused Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Microwave S
Small Focused Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Microwave S
[Empty High slot]
Small Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I
Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints I
Small Processor Overclocking Unit I
Beam Turrets for range and multifrequency for damage, I figure if i am trying to keep between 18/20km’s away the multifrequency is fine as I get 23.1km + 3.12km range with those.
MWD to keep speed up
Warp Disruptor II as it has more range than any of the other T1 options.
Tracking disruption to stop them hitting me (so much) although they should be out of range anyway
DC just for that extra damage mitigation
Aux Power Core as I lack PG without it otherwise
Energized Membrane for tank (or would it be better to go for agility like a nanofiber or interia stab?)
Kinetic Armor rig - a token rigs just to increase tank in that area
Small Low Friction Nozzle for agility
Small Processor Overclocker - because CPU is crud too.
The Theory:
Look for slower, cumbersome brawler frigates to enage, things like Merlins for example.
Any thoughts appreciated (as well as a 3rd mid slot suggestion)